
Front Cover of Game Ranch Management by J du P Bothma
Game Ranch Management - J du P Bothma

Game Ranch Management: A Practical Guide on All Aspects of Purchasing, Planning, Development, Management and Utilisation of a Modern Game Ranch in Southern Africa edited by J du P Bothma is a comprehensive guide to establishing and maintaining a healthy and profitable wildlife enterprise.


ZAR 250.00
Front Cover of How I Made It by Rachel Bridge
How I Made It - Rachel Bridge

How I Made It: 40 Successful Entrepreneurs Reveal How They Made Millions by Rachel Bridge explains how 40 successful British entrepreneurs managed to defy the odds and turn their dreams into reality. They tell how they decided what to do, how they got started, how they found the money they needed and how they went about it.

ZAR 140.00
Front cover of Confidence by Thomas Chamorro-Premuzic
Confidence - Thomas Chamorro-Premuzic

Confidence: The surprising truth about how much you need and how to get it by Thomas Chamorro-Premuzic is an eye-opening rethink of the value of self-belief. We're told that the key to success in life and business is confidence: believe in yourself, and the world is yours. But building confidence can be a challenging task.

ZAR 120.00
Front Cover of Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono
Six Thinking Hats - Edward de Bono

Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono is a classic, used by businessmen worldwide to develop techniques of creative thinking in the boardroom. The Six Hats method aims to make the fullest use of everyone's intelligence, experience and information.

ZAR 90.00
Front cover of Project Pain Reliever by Dave Garrett
Project Pain Reliever - Dave Garrett

Project Pain Reliever: A just-in-time handbook for anyone managing projects by Dave Garrett was developed specifically for those accidental project managers and for the relatively new project managers within the profession. It is uniquely organized in a manner designed to help these project managers quickly find specific solutions to the problems they are desperate to fix right now!

ZAR 120.00
Front cover of Double Entry by Jane Gleeson-White
Double Entry - Jane Gleeson-White

Double Entry: How the Merchants of Venice Created Modern Finance by Jane Gleeson-White takes us from the ancient origins of accounting in Mesopotamia to the frontiers of modern finance. At the heart of the story is double-entry bookkeeping: the first system that allowed merchants to actually measure the worth of their businesses.

ZAR 130.00
Front cover of Selling in Tough Times by Tom Hopkins
Selling in Tough Times - Tom Hopkins

Selling in Tough Times: Secrets to Selling When No One Is Buying by Tom Hopkins puts his real-world, in-the-trenches experience to work and shares his plan to reverse the momentum of tough times--and even capitalize on them. These types of changes can be extremely disruptive, even paralysing, when we're not prepared for them.

ZAR 120.00
Front cover of Strategies for Project Sponsorship by Vicki James, et al
Strategies for Project Sponsorship - Vicki James, Ron Rosenhead and Peter Taylor

Strategies for Project Sponsorship by Vicki James, Ron Rosenhead and Peter Taylor addresses the challenges of project sponsorship from all three vantage points that of the project manager, the project sponsor, and the organization The project sponsor is critical to project success, yet it is a role that is often assigned to a member of the organization with little knowledge or training

ZAR 75.00
Front Cover of The Internet is not the Answer by Andrew Keen
The Internet is not the Answer - Andrew Keen

The Internet is not the Answer by Andrew Keen argues that, on balance, the Internet has had a disastrous impact on all our lives.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of War and Gold by Kwasi Kwarteng
War and Gold - Kwasi Kwarteng

War and Gold: A Five-hundred-year History of Empires, Adventures and Debt by Kwasi Kwarteng  reveals a pattern of war-waging, financial debt and fluctuations between paper money and the gold standard, and creates a compelling study of the powerful relationship that has shaped the world as we know it, that between war and gold.

ZAR 165.00
Front Cover of Boomerang by Michael Lewis
Boomerang - Michael Lewis

Boomerang: The Biggest Bust by Michael Lewis reveals the true natures of the countries caught up in - and exacerbating - our boomerang economies. Or what happened to Europe before and after the big bust of 2007.

ZAR 60.00
Front Cover of Shackleton's Way by Margot Morrell and Stephanie Capparell
Shackleton's Way - Margot Morrell and Stephanie Capparell

Shackleton's Way: Leadership Lessons from the Great Antarctic Explorer by Margot Morrell and Stephanie Capparell details universal leadership tactics set against the thrilling survival story of the Endurance expedition.

ZAR 65.00
Front cover of Leading With NLP by Joseph O'Connor
Leading With NLP - Joseph O'Connor

Leading With NLP: Essential Leadership Skills for Influencing and Managing People by Joseph O'Connor will help readers to: find their own leadership style; think strategically; empower others; overcome resistance. Leadership is not something people are necessarily born with - it can be learned.

ZAR 65.00
Front cover of Wait by Frank Partnoy
Wait - Frank Partnoy

Wait: The Useful Art of Procrastination by Frank Partnoy weaves together findings from scientific studies and interviews with experts to craft a picture of effective decision-making that runs counter to our brutally fast-paced world.

ZAR 85.00
Front cover of Left Brain, Right Stuff by Phil Rosenzweig
Left Brain, Right Stuff - Phil Rosenzweig

Left Brain, Right Stuff: How Leaders Make Winning Decisions by Phil Rosenzweig brings fresh and often surprising insights to topics including confidence and overconfidence, the uses and limits of decision models, leadership and authenticity, expert performance and deliberate practice, competitive bidding and new venture management.

ZAR 95.00
Front cover of The Reality Test by Robert Rowland Smith
The Reality Test - Robert Rowland Smith

The Reality Test: Still Relying On Strategy? by Robert Rowland Smith asserts that "reality eats strategy for breakfast": strategy, based on projections and assuming business is a rational pursuit, can't deal with the messy reality of life.

Robert Rowland Smith advises blue-chip companies, teaches at London's School of Life, and writes a regular column in the Sunday Times.

ZAR 95.00
Front cover of The Reckoning by Jacob Soll
The Reckoning - Jacob Soll

The Reckoning: Financial Accountability and the Making and Breaking of Nations by Jacob Soll shows how the use and misuse of financial bookkeeping has determined the fates of entire societies. Time and again, Soll reveals, good and honest accounting has been a tool to build successful companies, states and empires.

ZAR 160.00
Front cover of The Roaring Nineties by Joseph E Stiglitz
The Roaring Nineties - Joseph E Stiglitz

The Roaring Nineties: A New History of the World's Most Prosperous Decade by Joseph E Stiglitz argues that much of what we understood about the prosperity of the 1990s is wrong. Although jobs were created, technology prospered, inflation fell and poverty was reduced, this book asserts that this decade actually laid the foundations for the economic problems we now face.

ZAR 110.00
Front cover of Get That Job in 7 Simple Steps by Peter Storr
Get That Job in 7 Simple Steps - Peter Storr

Get That Job in 7 Simple Steps by Peter Storr is here to help you find your perfect job. Kickstart your job applications and get the job you want. If you're new to the job market, back for a restart, or want a change of scene, we'll help you target what you want and show you how to get there. The job market is tougher than ever, and making a great first impression is everything.

ZAR 65.00
Front cover of Leading Successful PMOs by Peter Taylor
Leading Successful PMOs - Peter Taylor

Leading Successful PMOs: How to Build the Best Project Management Office for Your Business by Peter Taylor outlines the basics of setting up a PMO and clearly explains how to ensure it will do exactly what you need it to do - the right things, in the right way, in the right order, with the right team.

ZAR 90.00
Front Cover of Handbook of Business Formulas and Controls by Spencer A Tucker
Handbook of Business Formulas and Controls - Spencer A Tucker

Handbook of Business Formulas and Controls by Spencer A Tucker will save you time whenever a cost, volume or profit decision must be made.

ZAR 65.00
Front cover of Great Answers To Tough Interview Questions by Martin John Yate
Great Answers To Tough Interview Questions - Martin John Yate

Great Answers To Tough Interview Questions by Martin John Yate is the best-selling job-hunting book of all time and the essential companion for all jobseekers. It takes you through the whole process, from composing your CV and preparing for interviews to interview techniques, answering tough questions and even negotiating your new salary.

ZAR 110.00
Front Cover of The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander
The Art of Possibility - Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander

The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander presents twelve breakthrough practices for bringing creativity into all human endeavours. The authors' harmoniously interwoven perspectives provide a deep sense of the powerful role that the notion of possibility can play in every aspect of life.

ZAR 60.00