Anglo-Boer War

image of Archives Year Book for South African History by Breytenbach, JH; Nobbs, E; Lewesen, P; Davies J
Archives Year Book for South African History 1942-II - Botha, CG et al

Archives Year Book for South African History, 1942-II edited by CG Botha; C Beyers; JLM Franken; HB Thom contains the following segments:

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of Melton Prior by Jane Carruthers
Melton Prior - Jane Carruthers

Melton Prior: War Artist in Southern Africa, 1895 to 1900 by Jane Carruthers offers a detailed account of some of Melton Prior's work and experiences in trouble spots of the British empire. As a war artist he recorded both memorable moments and everyday events in the lives of colonials and soldiers, on almost every continent.

ZAR 675.00
image of A Narrative of the Boer War by Carter, Thomas Fortescue
A Narrative of the Boer War - Thomas Fortescue Carter

A Narrative of the Boer War: Its Causes and Results by Thomas Fortescue Carter is a comprehensive account of the Anglo-Boer War

ZAR 550.00
image of Bombardment of Ladysmith Anticipated by Chalmers, Alan
Bombardment of Ladysmith Anticipated - Alan Chalmers

At the Siege of Ladysmith 21 000 Boers were pitted against the 12 000 British troops encircling the town, and into this cauldron arrived the figure of George Charles Maidment, a British Army orderly whose diary has been reproduced in full, and with minor corrections, by Alan Chalmers in Bombardment of Ladysmith Anticipated: The Diary of a Siege.

ZAR 165.00
image of In The Ranks Of The C.I.V. by Childers, Erskine
In The Ranks Of The C.I.V. - Erskine Childers

In The Ranks Of The C.I.V. is Erskine Childers' personal diary of service in the Orange Free State and Transvaal at the end of the conventional war - and beginning of guerrilla operations - and has been reprinted in facsimile to coincide with the Anglo-Boer War centenary.

ZAR 120.00
image of Rights and Wrongs of the Transvaal War  by Cook, Edward T.
Rights and Wrongs of the Transvaal War - Edward T. Cook

Rights and Wrongs of the Transvaal War by Edward T. Cook presents a discussion on the policy of the South African War, tracing the war back to its ultimate causes, and recalls the sequence of events immediately preceding it, and sets out the actual course of negotiations, discussing the questions of right and wrong involved in the struggle.

ZAR 450.00
Front Cover of The Defence of Ladysmith and Mafeking by Arthur Davey
The Defence of Ladysmith and Mafeking - Arthur Davey

The Defence of Ladysmith and Mafeking: Accounts of two sieges, 1899 - 1900, being the South African War experiences of Willam Thwaites, Steuart Binny, Alfred Down and Samuel Cawood by Arthur Davey recounts firsthand experiences of 3 British soldiers and an 'uitlander' trapped within the besieged cities

ZAR 600.00
Front Cover of David and Goliath by Geo R Duxbury
David and Goliath - Geo R Duxbury

David and Goliath: the First War of Independence 1880 - 1881 by Geo R Duxbury is a centennial commemoration of the First Anglo Boer War, covering the causes, the battles, and the effects of this war.

ZAR 120.00
Front Cover of Mafeking! by Malcolm Flower-Smith and Edmund Yorke
Mafeking! - Malcolm Flower-Smith and Edmund Yorke

Mafeking! The Story of a Siege by Malcolm Flower-Smith and Edmund Yorke was inspired by an unpublished manuscript based largely on the diary of Mr Algie, the Town Clerk during the siege. This is a comprehensive history of the siege illustrated with many b&w photos.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of Thank God We Kept The Flag Flying by Kenneth Griffith
Thank God We Kept The Flag Flying - Kenneth Griffith

Thank God We Kept The Flag Flying: The Siege And Relief Of Ladysmith 1899-1900 by Kenneth Griffith has revealed, through the words of men that were there, a very personal yet totally authentic vision of the Boer War. Kenneth Griffith's twenty-year fascination with imperial history has already produced controversial documentaries on Cecil Rhodes and the Boer War.

ZAR 180.00
Front Cover of With the Boer Forces by Howard C Hillegas
With the Boer Forces - Howard C Hillegas

With the Boer Forces by Howard C Hillegas portrays his account of the Anglo-Boer War (1899 - 1902). He was sent to South Africa as a correspondent by The New York World and wrote this book on his return to New York after spending time with the Boer forces in the field.

ZAR 450.00
Front cover of Boer War Letters by Emily Hobhouse
Boer War Letters - Emily Hobhouse

Boer War Letters by Emily Hobhouse are the spirited and on-the-spot Boer War Letters of the Englishwoman by turns reviled and revered for her controversial humanitarian role in the concentration camps of the Anglo-Boer War. They span not only her work in the camps, but also her forceful and imaginative role in the ruined former republics after the war.

ZAR 185.00
Front Cover of Archives Year Book for South African History edited by Dr. A. Kieser et al
Archives Year Book for South African History 1956-I - Kieser,A; Franken, JLM; Pelzer, AN; Wiid, JA

Archives Year Book for South African History for 1956, volume 1 edited by Dr. A. Kieser; JLM Franken, AN Pelzer and JA Wiid.

ZAR 185.00
Front cover of Words by an Eyewitness by "Linesman"
Words by an Eyewitness - "Linesman"

Words by an Eyewitness: The Struggle in Natal by "Linesman" presents a first-hand account of the Anglo-Boer War, written hastily from the seat of war in the intervals of events, and presents the human side of the conflict as opposed to a historical rendition.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of Oorwinning Sonder Roem by Andre Malan
Oorwinning Sonder Roem - Andre Malan

Oorwinning Sonder Roem: 'n Fotoalbum van herinnerings aan die Anglo-Boereoorlog, 1899-1902 by Andre Malan presents a photo album of memories of the Anglo-Boer War.

Afrikaans text.

ZAR 300.00
Front Cover of The Boer War by Thomas Pakenham
The Illustrated Boer War: Abridged Edition - Thomas Pakenham

The Illustrated Boer War: Abridged Edition by Thomas Pakenham is mammoth in scope and scholarship, as vivid, fast-moving and breathtakingly compelling as the finest fiction. This is the definitive account of this extraordinary conflict -- a war precipitated by greed and marked by almost inconceivable blundering and brutalities . . .

ZAR 165.00
Front Cover of The Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902: From the Hunter Valley to the Transvaal by L. H. Perret
The Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 - L. H. Perret

The Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902: From the Hunter Valley to the Transvaal: A story of Trooper Frederick Avard of the New South Wales Lancers and the part also played by the many Australian Contingents by L. H. Perret, a relative of Trooper Avard, describes the human cost of the war. This is the revised, illustrated edition and contains numerous photographs & illustrations

ZAR 180.00
Front cover of The Siege of Kimberley by T. Phelan
The Siege of Kimberley - T. Phelan

The Siege of Kimberley: Its Humorous and Social Side by T. Phelan presents the story of the 18 week siege of Kimberly South Africa in 1899 - 1900, at the start of the Anglo-Boer war. Ex-libris copy.

ZAR 500.00
Front cover of Churchill's South Africa by Chris Schoeman
Churchill's South Africa - Chris Schoeman

Churchill's South Africa: Travels during the Anglo-Boer war by Chris Schoeman covers the future statesman's travels across the Great Karoo and through the green hills of Natal, his capture by the Boers, his escape to Delagoa Bay and his triumphant return to the Natal front as an officer in the SA Light Horse.

ZAR 110.00
Front cover of Gladstone and Kruger by D. M. Schreuder
Gladstone and Kruger - D. M. Schreuder

D. M. Schreuder's Gladstone and Kruger: Liberal Government & Colonial 'Home Rule' 1880-85 is a study of British reactions to the first of the 'African' nationalisms - Afrikaner nationalism. Map included.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of The War Correspondents: The Boer War by Raymond Sibbald
The War Correspondents: The Boer War - Raymond Sibbald

The War Correspondents: The Boer War by Raymond Sibbald presents a collection of reports on the Anglo-Boer War sent back to Britain by newspaper correspondents in the field, and reflects the tensions felt during the progress of the war, including the uneasy match between patriotism and a critical appreciation of events on the battlefield.

ZAR 135.00
Front cover of The Boer War: Ladysmith and Mafeking, 1900
The Boer War: Ladysmith and Mafeking, 1900 - The Stationary Office

The Boer War: Ladysmith and Mafeking, 1900 by The Stationary Office is part of the Uncovered Editions series. They are historic official papers which have not previously been available in a popular form. The British Empire went to war against the Boers in South Africa in October 1899.

ZAR 60.00
image of Black People and the South African War, 1899-1902  by Warwick, Peter
Black People and the South African War, 1899-1902 - Peter Warwick

Black People and the South African War, 1899-1902 by Peter Warwick tells of the South African War which was fought in a region populated by five million people, four million of which were black.

ZAR 350.00
image of Lord Milner's Work in South Africa by Worsfold, W. Basil
Lord Milner's Work in South Africa - W. Basil Worsford

Lord Milner's Work in South Africa: From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902 by W. Basil Worsford details the role played by British statesman Alfred Milner in the events leading up to and following the Anglo-Boer War and contains information that was previously unpublished as well as portraits and a map.

ZAR 375.00