Military History (SA)

Front cover of South African Orders, Decorations and Medals by E.G.M. Alexander; G.K.B. Barron; A.J. Bateman
South African Orders, Decorations and Medals - E.G.M. Alexander; G.K.B. Barron; A.J. Bateman

South African Orders, Decorations and Medals by Commandant E.G.M. Alexander, Commandant G.K.B. Barron and Commander A.J. Bateman - representing the South African Army, Air Force and Navy respectively - is the standard reference on the subject of South Africa's many military and civil awards.

ZAR 600.00
Front cover of The SAAF at War, 1940-1984 by J. S. Bouwer and M. N. Louw
The SAAF at War, 1940-1984 - J. S. Bouwer & M. N. Louw

The SAAF at War, 1940-1984: A pictorial appraisal by J. S. Bouwer and M. N. Louw and edited by B. P. J. Erasmus brings the history and exploits of the South African Air Force gloriously alive and includes more than 750 photographs, most of them never published before.

1st edition copy.

ZAR 900.00
image of Notes on South African Affairs by Boyce, W.B.
Notes on South African Affairs - W. B. Boyce

Notes on South African Affairs by W. B. Boyce is volume XXXIX in the Africana Collecteana series and was first published in 1838. Boyce was a Wesleyan missionary and a trusted adviser to Sir Benjamin d'Urban during the frontier war of 1834-5

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of Eagle Strike! by Jan D. Breytenbach
Eagle Strike! - Jan D. Breytenbach

Eagle Strike! The Controversial Airborne Assault on Cassinga 04 May 1978 by Jan D. Breytenbach is an account of the attack on Cassinga in May 1978, written by their famous commanding officer, who was a respected, decorated and loved military leader in South Africa.

This is a limited edition copy: No. 181 out of 250 copies. Signed by author.

ZAR 1,250.00
Front cover of The Jameson Raid edited by J. Carruthers
The Jameson Raid - edited by J. Carruthers

The Jameson Raid, A centennial Retrospective edited by J. Carruthers. Twelve internationally recognised scholars revisit this key event in South African and British history.

ZAR 600.00
Front cover of Carbineer by A.F. Hattersley
Carbineer - A.F. Hattersley

Carbineer: History Of The Royal Natal Carbineers by Professor A.F. Hattersley, an eminent historian who had access to military records and historical material dating back to the Crimean and Zulu Wars.

ZAR 850.00
Front Cover of With the Boer Forces by Howard C Hillegas
With the Boer Forces - Howard C Hillegas

With the Boer Forces by Howard C Hillegas portrays his account of the Anglo-Boer War (1899 - 1902). He was sent to South Africa as a correspondent by The New York World and wrote this book on his return to New York after spending time with the Boer forces in the field.

ZAR 450.00
Front cover of Short History of the Volunteer Regiments of Natal and East Griqualand by G. T. Hurst
Short History of the Volunteer Regiments of Natal and East Griqualand - G. T. Hurst

Short History of the Volunteer Regiments of Natal and East Griqualand: Past and Present by G. T. Hurst presents the histories of the famous old regiments of Natal and East Griqualand, whose exploits are so woven into the history of South Africa. Introduction by J. C. Smuts

Presentation copy inscribed by the author.

ZAR 1,750.00
Front cover of Camp Life and Sport in South Africa by T J Lucas
Camp Life and Sport in South Africa - T J Lucas

Camp Life and Sport in South Africa: Experiences of Kaffir Warfare With the Cape Mounted Rifles by T J Lucas is a first rate account of life and warfare in the Cape during the 1850s, written by one who experienced the events described within these pages at first hand.

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of Shamrock And Springbok by S. Monick
Shamrock And Springbok - S. Monick

Shamrock And Springbok: The Irish Impact on South African Military History 1689-1914 by S. Monick commemorates the 75th anniversary of the forming of the South African Irish Regiment in 1914, with an introduction by General Magnus Malan.

Inscribed by the author on the fep. Illustrated with a few b&w photos.

ZAR 950.00
Front cover of More Than Game by Herman Potgieter
More Than Game - Herman Potgieter

More Than Game: A Salute to the South African Air Force by Herman Potgieter salutes the South African Air Force, published to coincide with the SAAF's 75th anniversary and traces its history from the 1920s to the1990s. Photography by Herman Potgieter, text by Linden Birns

ZAR 225.00
Front Cover of The History of the South African Army Postal Service by EB Proud
The History of the South African Army Postal Service - E.B. Proud

The History of the South African Army Postal Service by Edward Baxby Proud who is a British postal historian writer and philatelic dealer. Proud founded Proud-Bailey Company Limited in 1961 through which he has published handbooks covering the postal history of over eighty different British colonies and which illustrate more than 50,000 postal markings.

ZAR 750.00
Front cover of Genieskool: 1940-1990, School of Engineers by J. C. Rabe
Genieskool: 1940-1990, School of Engineers - J. C. Rabe

Genieskool: 1940-1990, School of Engineers: The History by J. C. Rabe is a record of the history of the school, part of the SADF. Illustrated by A. G. Blaauw, J. D. Smit, B. W. P. Viljoen

Afrikaans text

ZAR 250.00
Front Cover of Hawk's Eye by Dorothy E. Rivett-Carnac
Hawk's Eye - Dorothy E. Rivett-Carnac

Hawk's Eye by Dorothy E. Rivett-Carnac is the biography of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Somerset K.C.B., K.H., the eldest son of Lord Charles Somerset, whose significant contribution to the evolution of South Africa has been obscured both by his illustrious father and by the dynamic characters who at the same time bestrode the historic scene.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of Griqua Records by Karel Schoeman
Griqua Records - Karel Schoeman

Griqua Records by Karel Schoeman presents a collection of 162 official and semi-official documents relating to the Captaincy which existed at Philippolis in the modern Free State from 1826 until 1861.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of A History Of The Zulu Rebellion, 1906 by J. Stuart
A History Of The Zulu Rebellion, 1906 - J. Stuart

A History Of The Zulu Rebellion, 1906: And of Dinuzulu's Arrest, Trial, and Expatriation by J. Stuart, describing the military operations of the rebellion of 1906-8 between the Zulus and the erstwhile government of Natal. With five maps, six plans and twenty-five illustrations.

ZAR 2,250.00
Front Cover of  A History of the Zulu Rebellion 1906 by J. Stuart
A History of the Zulu Rebellion 1906 - J. Stuart

A History Of The Zulu Rebellion, 1906: And of Dinuzulu's Arrest, Trial, and Expatriation by J. Stuart, describing the military operations of the rebellion of 1906-8 between the Zulus and the erstwhile government of Natal. With five maps, six plans and twenty-five illustrations.

ZAR 1,100.00
Front cover of Delville Wood by Ian Uys
Delville Wood - Ian Uys

Delville Wood by Ian Uys is the story of the battle of Delville Wood in which Boer and British soldiers stood together against the pride of the German army.

ZAR 250.00
Front cover of SAS Donkin, 1921-1992 by S. van Soelen
SAS Donkin, 1921-1992 - S. van Soelen

SAS Donkin, 1921-1992: The Navy & Port Elizabeth With Reminiscences of Some who Served in Her by S. van Soelen was compiled for the Naval Officers' Association of South Africa, Port Elizabeth, and describes the reminiscences of those who served aboard her.

This is a limited edition copy No. 195/300, inscribed by the author.

ZAR 550.00