
Front Cover of After Everest an Autobiography by Tenzing Norgay & Malcolm Barnes
After Everest - Tenzing Norgay & Malcolm Barnes

After Everest: An Autobiography by Tenzing Norgay & Malcolm Barnes is the autobiography of Tenzing Norgay, the uneducated Sherpa who had a lifelong ambition to conquer Mount Everest who eventually, with Edmund Hillary, returned from the summit as hero.

ZAR 1,250.00
Spine of The Cape House and its Interior by A M Obholzer, M Baraitser & W D Malherbe
The Cape House and its Interior - A M Obholzer, M Baraitser & W D Malherbe

The Cape House and its Interior: An Inquiry into the Sources of Cape Architecture & a Survey of Built-in Early Cape Domestic Woodwork by A M Obholzer, M Baraitser & W D Malherbe the standard work on the subject. Illustrated with 1600 illustrations, 8 in colour.

ZAR 7,000.00
Front cover of Knysna the Forgotten Port by Margaret Parkes & V.M. Williams
Knysna the Forgotten Port - Margaret Parkes & V.M. Williams

Knysna the Forgotten Port: The Maritime Story by Margaret Parkes & V.M. Williams is a valuable history of Knysna's past as a port because when Knysna port was deproclaimed, the maritime records were sent to Port Elizabeth and destroyed.

ZAR 550.00
Front Cover of Photography of Natural Things by Freeman Patterson
Photography of Natural Things - Freeman Patterson

Photography of Natural Things by Freeman Patterson is a workshop between covers. Knowing that nothing exists in isolation this book is about learning to see and about using your camera to record and interpret what you see wherever you are. Illustrated. This copy is inscribed by the author on the title page.

ZAR 110.00
Front Cover of Namaqualand Garden of the Gods by Freeman Patterson
Namaqualand Garden of the Gods - Freeman Patterson

Namaqualand Garden of the Gods by Freeman Patterson contains spectacular photos of the flowers in the area and describes some of his experiences in an informative and sensitively written text. Inscribed by the author on the fep.

ZAR 135.00
Front Cover of The Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902: From the Hunter Valley to the Transvaal by L. H. Perret
The Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 - L. H. Perret

The Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902: From the Hunter Valley to the Transvaal: A story of Trooper Frederick Avard of the New South Wales Lancers and the part also played by the many Australian Contingents by L. H. Perret, a relative of Trooper Avard, describes the human cost of the war. This is the revised, illustrated edition and contains numerous photographs & illustrations

ZAR 180.00
Front cover of Growing Herbs with Margaret Roberts
Growing Herbs with Margaret Roberts - Margaret Roberts

Growing Herbs with Margaret Roberts: A Guide to Growing Herbs in South Africa is concerned with the many and varied uses of herbs and although its main purpose is to instruct us on how to design a herb garden and grow our own fragrant, culinary and medicinal herbs, much of the text is devoted to their fascinating uses.

Illustrated by Joan van Gogh

ZAR 350.00
Front Cover of The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law by Albie Sachs
The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law - Albie Sachs

The Strange Alchemy of Life and Law by Albie Sachs is an autobiography of Albie Sachs, who played a prominent part in the struggle for justice in South Africa. The book provides unique access to an insider's perspective on modern South Africa, and a rare glimpse into the working of a judicial mind.

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of A Pride of Eagles by Beryl Salt
A Pride of Eagles - Beryl Salt

Limited edition copy of A Pride of Eagles by Beryl Salt, signed by author. No. 79/100.

A Pride of Eagles by Beryl Salt is the story of military aviation in Rhodesia from the romantic days of "bush" flying in the 1920s and 1930s when aircraft were refuelled from jerry cans and landing grounds were often the local golf course.

ZAR 2,500.00
Front cover of The Johannesburg Saga by John R. Shorten
The Johannesburg Saga - John R. Shorten

The Johannesburg Saga by John R. Shorten was produced under the authority of the Johannesburg City Council to commemorate the city's 80th anniversary in 1966.

ZAR 485.00
Front cover of The Valley Of Flowers by F.S. Smythe
The Valley Of Flowers - F.S. Smythe

The Valley Of Flowers by F.S. Smythe is the story of a few happy months spent amidst some of the noblest and most beautiful mountains of the world. Smythe's fascinating account of climbing, exploration and plant hunting in the Garwhal Himalaya and the Bhyundar Valley. This is a limited edition (copy 120/250) and is signed by the author. Complete with maps and 8 colour plates. 

ZAR 3,500.00
Front cover of Beethoven by Jan Swafford
Beethoven - Jan Swafford

Beethoven: Anguish and Triumph by Jan Swafford peels away layers of legend to get to the living, breathing human being who composed some of the world's most iconic music.

ZAR 220.00
Front Cover of Into the Past by Phillip Tobias
Into the Past - Phillip Tobias

Into the Past:A memoir by Phillip Tobias is the autobiography of the South African scientist, renowned for his pioneering work at South Africa's famous fossil hominid sites, and for his quarter-century partnership with Louis and Mary Leakey.

ZAR 225.00
Front Cover of Bokaap ... Faces and Facades by Lesley and Stephen Townsend
Bokaap... Faces and Facades - Lesley and Stephen Townsend

Bokaap... Faces and Facades: A record of the passing scene in Cape Town's Malay Quarter with a brief account of its architecture and the Muslim inhabitants by Lesley and Stephen Townsend explores, through photographs and archival material, the architecture, history and peoples of this area.

ZAR 2,250.00
Front cover of Chopi Musicians by Hugh Tracey
Chopi Musicians - Hugh Tracey

Signed and inscribed copy of Chopi Musicians: Their Music, Poetry and Instruments by Hugh Tracey.

Chopi Musicians presents a written account of the Chopi of Portuguese East Africa, whose xylophone orchestras have long been famous throughout the southern portion of the continent.

Map included.

ZAR 475.00
Front cover of Angola: The Land of the Blacksmith Prince by John T. Tucker
Angola: The Land of the Blacksmith Prince - John T. Tucker

Angola: The Land of the Blacksmith Prince by John T. Tucker seeks to present the situation in Angola from the religious standpoint of the Kingdom of God. Dr. J. T. Tucker is a missionary of the United Church of Canada. He has recorded several interesting facts in this review, such as the appointment of the first Bantu Bishop, and so on.

ZAR 500.00
Front cover of SAS Donkin, 1921-1992 by S. van Soelen
SAS Donkin, 1921-1992 - S. van Soelen

SAS Donkin, 1921-1992: The Navy & Port Elizabeth With Reminiscences of Some who Served in Her by S. van Soelen was compiled for the Naval Officers' Association of South Africa, Port Elizabeth, and describes the reminiscences of those who served aboard her.

This is a limited edition copy No. 195/300, inscribed by the author.

ZAR 550.00
Front cover of Simon's Town: A Postcard History 1900-1913 by Michael Walker
Simon's Town - Michael Walker

Simon's Town: A Postcard History 1900-1913 by Michael Walker provides a visual record through the medium of postcards of the history of Simon's Town at the turn of the century. Copy signed by author.

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of Thomas Baines by J.P.R. Wallis
Thomas Baines - J.P.R. Wallis

Thomas Baines: his life and explorations in South Africa, Rhodesia and Australia, 1820-1875 by J.P.R. Wallis illustrated by a selection of Thomas Baines' water-colours, drawings and prints; with captions and a new introduction by F.R. Bradlow was first published in 1941 under the title: Thomas Baines of King's Lynn, explorer and artist, 1820-1875.

ZAR 2,250.00
Front cover of Once We Were Hunters by Paul Weinberg
Once We Were Hunters - Paul Weinberg

Once We Were Hunters: A Journey With Africa's Indigenous Peoples by Paul Weinberg journeys to six different countries in southern and eastern Africa to examine those indigenous communities who, in spite of a rapidly modernising continent, are still managing to survive in their natural environment.

ZAR 115.00
Title page of The Succulent Euphorbieae: Volume I by White, Dyer & Sloane
The Succulent Euphorbieae: Volumes I & II - A. White, R. A. Dyer & B. L. Sloane

The Succulent Euphorbieae; Volumes I & II: Southern Africa by A. White, R. A. Dyer and B. L. Sloane presents a compilation of an account of the succulent Euphorbieae in southern Africa and includes numerous illustrations to accompany the text. Ex libris copy signed by R. A. Dyer on behalf of all three authors adressed to the owner of the library.

ZAR 3,500.00
