Brenthurst Press

Front cover of Livingstone Letters: 1843 to 1872 by Maurice Boucher
Livingstone Letters: 1843 to 1872 - Maurice Boucher

Livingstone Letters: 1843 to 1872: David Livingstone Correspondence in the Brenthurst Library, Johannesburg by Maurice Boucher concentrates upon the Livingstone letters in the Brenthurst Library, covering a period from his first years as a missionary in Africa in the early 1840s to the drama of his last journeys three decades later.

ZAR 900.00
Front cover of The Jameson Raid edited by J. Carruthers
The Jameson Raid - edited by J. Carruthers

The Jameson Raid, A centennial Retrospective edited by J. Carruthers. Twelve internationally recognised scholars revisit this key event in South African and British history.

ZAR 600.00
Front cover of Melton Prior by Jane Carruthers
Melton Prior - Jane Carruthers

Melton Prior: War Artist in Southern Africa, 1895 to 1900 by Jane Carruthers offers a detailed account of some of Melton Prior's work and experiences in trouble spots of the British empire. As a war artist he recorded both memorable moments and everyday events in the lives of colonials and soldiers, on almost every continent.

ZAR 675.00
Front Cover of The Defence of Ladysmith and Mafeking by Arthur Davey
The Defence of Ladysmith and Mafeking - Arthur Davey

The Defence of Ladysmith and Mafeking: Accounts of two sieges, 1899 - 1900, being the South African War experiences of Willam Thwaites, Steuart Binny, Alfred Down and Samuel Cawood by Arthur Davey recounts firsthand experiences of 3 British soldiers and an 'uitlander' trapped within the besieged cities

ZAR 600.00
Front cover of The Brenthurst Baines by Marius and Joy Diemont
The Brenthurst Baines - Marius & Joy Diemont

The Brenthurst Baines by Marius and Joy Diemont is a selection of the works of Thomas Baines in the Oppenheimer Collection in Johannesburg.

ZAR 1,500.00
The Kitchingman Papers by Basil le Cordeur & Christopher Saunders
The Kitchingman Papers - Basil le Cordeur & Christopher Saunders

The Kitchingman Papers, Missionary letters and journals, 1817 to 1848 from the Brenthurst Collection Johannesburg by Basil le Cordeur & Christopher Saunders.

Printing limited to a thousand copies.

ZAR 450.00
Front cover of John Blades Currey edited by Phillida Brooke Simons
John Blades Currey - edited by Phillida Brooke Simons

John Blades Currey, 1850 -1900 edited by Phillida Brooke Simons publishes the memoirs of Curry for the first time. Arriving from England in 1850 he tried soldiering, copper-mining and farming before going into the civil-service. In this position he introduced the first diamond to Europe and was blamed for the diggers rebellion in 1875.

ZAR 700.00
Front cover of Cape Views and Costumes by A. H. Smith
Cape Views and Costumes - A. H. Smith

Cape Views and Costumes: Water-Colours by H. C. de Meillon by A. H. Smith handles the interest and varied collection of water-colours by the important Africana artist Henry Clifford de Meillon preserved in the Brenthurst Library in Johannesburg.

ZAR 1,200.00