Western Cape

Front cover of Narrative of an Exploratory Tour of the Cape of Good Hope by Arbousset and Daumas
Narrative of an Exploratory Tour of the Cape of Good Hope - Arbousset & Daumas

Narrative of an Exploratory Tour of the Cape of Good Hope by Arbousset and Daumas presents a fascinating account of a tour taken by two French Protestant Missionaries who were settled in Basutoland, to that part of South Africa between the Orange and the Vaal Rivers. Limited edition copy No. 248/750.

ZAR 600.00
Front cover of Town Furniture Of The Cape by Baraitser & Obholzer
Town Furniture Of The Cape - Baraitser & Obholzer

Town Furniture Of The Cape by Michael Baraitser & Anton Obholzer provides detailed information on the finely crafted period furniture at the Cape. It is a culmination of years of research in both South Africa and Europe, during which the authors completed a painstakingly thorough survey of Cape furniture in all major public collections.

ZAR 650.00
Front cover of Cape Country Furniture by Michael Baraitser and Anton Obholzer
Cape Country Furniture - Michael Baraitser & Anton Obholzer

Cape Country Furniture: A Pictorial Survey of Regional Styles, Materials and Techniques in the Cape Province of South Africa by Michael Baraitser and Anton Obholzer is a pictorial representation of Cape country furniture, and incorporates background information from previous editions, to comprehensively detail identification, dating and specific districts of origin.

ZAR 450.00
Front cover of Geskiedenis van Malmesbury by J. P. Blaauw
Geskiedenis van Malmesbury - J. P. Blaauw

Geskiedenis van Malmesbury: Grepe uit die Geskiedenis van die Dorp en Distrik by J. P. Blaauw was written to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the municipality of Malmesbury (1860-1960) and contains anecdotes and history of the town of Malmesbury and its surrounding districts.

Contains mostly Afrikaans text with some chapters in English.

ZAR 150.00
Front Cover of Die Joernaal van Dirk Gysbert van Reenen, 1803 by Blommaert and Wiid
D G van Reenen se Joernaal1803 - Blommaert and Wiid

Die Joernaal van Dirk Gysbert van Reenen, 1803, Uitgegee en van voetnote, 'n biographiese skets en 'n landkaart voorsien deur wyle prof. dr. W. Blommaert en prof. J.A. Wiid. With an English translation by J.L.M. Franken and Ian M. Murray is the account of a journey into the Eastern Cape undertaken by the Governor of the Cape, J.W.

ZAR 450.00
Front cover of Ceres van Gister en Eergister by Francois Botma
Ceres van Gister en Eergister - Francois Botma

Ceres van Gister en Eergister by Francois Botma describes the history of the town of Ceres in the Western Cape with photography by Kobus du Plessis

Afrikaans Text.

ZAR 145.00
Front Cover of Trails and Walks in the Southern Cape by Jose Burman
Trails and Walks in the Southern Cape - Jose Burman

Trails and Walks in the Southern Cape by Jose Burman is not only a guide to different walks and longer trails the hiker can take it is also filled with facts and anecdotes about the various areas and trails. Photography by John Oakes. Illustrated in colour and with sketch maps by Ralph Taylor.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of The False Bay Story by Jose Burman
The False Bay Story - Jose Burman

The False Bay Story by Jose Burman is his third book on the sea approaches to the Western Cape. This one concentrates on the people of Simon's Town, Fish Hoek, Kalk Bay, Muizenberg, the Strand and Gordon's Bay. Includes 110 illustrations (in colour & monochrome), charts & maps

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of Cradle of Commerce by Margaret Cairns
Cradle of Commerce - Margaret Cairns

Cradle of Commerce: The Story of Block B by Margaret Cairns was privately published in 1974 by Woolworths to commemorate the opening of its new store in Block B. The book describes the History of Block B, situated in Cape Town

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of Stellenbosch: 1679 - 1929
Stellenbosch: 1679 - 1929 - Dorpsraad

Stellenbosch: 1679 - 1929 presents a collection of essays by various influential authorities on the subject of Stellenbosch, its history and culture. Essays vary between Afrikaans and English texts. Included is a foreword by the mayor of the day, C. M. Neethling.

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of Architectural Beauty of the Old Cape As Seen by Arthur Elliot
Architectural Beauty of the Old Cape as seen by Arthur Elliot - Hans Fransen

Architectural Beauty of the Old Cape As Seen by Arthur Elliot: Photographs of houses and farmsteads now largely demolished or ruined, taken at the beginning of the twentieth century is a collection of back and white photographs selected and annotated by Hans Fransen, curator of the Stellenbosch Museum.

ZAR 800.00
Front Cover of The Old Houses of the Cape by Hans Fransen and Mary Alexander Cook
The Old Houses of the Cape - Hans Fransen and Mary Alexander Cook

The Old Houses of the Cape: A Survey of the Existing Buildings in the Traditional Style of Architecture of the Dutch-Settled Regions of the Cape of Good Hope by Hans Fransen and Mary Alexander Cook is a comprehensive survey with pictures and descriptive text of the existing houses and farm buildings in the traditional Dutch style of the 18th century.

ZAR 1,500.00
Front Cover of The Old Buildings of the Cape by Hans Fransen and Mary Alexander Cook
The Old Buildings of the Cape - Hans Fransen and Mary Alexander Cook

The Old Buildings of the Cape: A survey and description of old buildings in the Western Province, Extending from Cape Town to Calvinia in the north and to Graaff-Reinet, Colesberg and Uitenhage in the east: Covering substantially the 18th and 19th century styles: Cape Dutch, Cape Regency, Georgian and Victorian by Hans Fransen and Mary Alexander Cook is essentially the revised second e

ZAR 1,250.00
Front cover of Tony Grogan's Vanishing Cape Town by Grogan & Barrow
Tony Grogan's Vanishing Cape Town - Grogan & Barrow

In Vanishing Cape Town, Tony Grogan captures the charm and cultural heritage of a Cape Town that is fast vanishing. No words can do full justice to Grogan's work, so in collaborating on this book, Brian Barrow has made no direct reference to any of his paintings and drawings.

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of Guide to the Peers' Cave by H.S. Jager
Guide to the Peers' Cave - H.S. Jager

Guide to the Peers' Cave - Tunnel Cave and Rock Shelters at Skildergat, Fish Hoek edited by H.S. Jager is a publication (booklet) that greatly assisted the general public in a keener appreciation of this branch of scientific research whilst making the caves more accessible. This fourth edition includes several photos, drawings and maps.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of Cape Dutch Homesteads by John Kench
Cape Dutch Homesteads - John Kench

Cape Dutch Homesteads by John Kench presents a unique collection of ten homesteads chosen by David Goldblatt and Margaret Courtney-Clarke, who have also contributed to the book. All the hoses shown share a living quality; none are museums, and many reveal the art of the restorer and architect in reviving these often derelict buildings.

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of Victorian Life at the Cape, 1870-1900 by Catherine Knox
Victorian Life at the Cape, 1870-1900 - Catherine Knox

Victorian Life at the Cape, 1870-1900 by Catherine Knox follows the footsteps of the early Cape Victorians and takes the reader back on a fond personal visit to a young city where the seeds of our tomorrows were sown. This is a presentation copy, signed by the author and the illustrator - presented to Alan Tew, Past District Governor of District 9350

ZAR 475.00
Front cover of The Cape Copper-smith by Marius le Roux
The Cape Copper-smith - Marius le Roux

The Cape Copper-smith: A survey of the copper-smiths who worked at the Cape of Good Hope from 1662 onwards with particular reference to the materials, tools and techniques they employed by Marius le Roux provides information on those craftsmen who made the gleaming copper and brass utensils which formed such an essential part of the early Cape housewife's kitchen.

ZAR 200.00
Front cover of Cape Flats Details by Chris Ledochowski
Cape Flats Details - Chris Ledochowski

Cape Flats Details: Life and Culture in the Townships of Cape Town by Chris Ledochowski is a book of photography showing the lives of people who live on the Cape Flats. "Cape Flats" refers to the vast stretch of exposed sandy wetlands that lie north of Table Mountain and which now forms a large part of the metropolitan region of Cape Town.

ZAR 950.00
Front cover of Early Nineteenth Century Architecture in South Africa by Ronald Lewcock
Early Nineteenth Century Architecture in South Africa - Ronald Lewcock

Early Nineteenth Century Architecture in South Africa: A Study of the Interaction of Two Cultures 1795-1837 by Ronald Lewcock describes the interaction between British and Dutch architecture and discusses the major trends that have influenced architecture in South Africa. The author also analyses the sources of various foreign stylistic influences.

ZAR 800.00
Front Cover of Table Mountain by C A Luckhoff
Table Mountain - C A Luckhoff

Table Mountain: Our National Heritage After Three Hundred Years by C A Luckhoff describes this landmark in all its glory. The author consider everything from the history, geology, flora and mountaineering to the management of the mountain. Illustrated throughout in b&w

ZAR 125.00
Front cover of George Rex of Knysna by Sanni Metelerkamp
George Rex of Knysna - Sanni Metelerkamp

George Rex of Knysna: The Authentic Story by Sanni Metelerkamp, written by one of his descendants, is the story of Knysa's founder, an Englishman who settled in Knysna and claimed descent from an English King.

ZAR 120.00
Front cover of Journals of Wikar, Coetse and W van Reenen by Mossop
Journals of Wikar, Coetse and W van Reenen - Mossop

The Journal of Hendrik Jacob Wikar [1799] with an English translation by A.W. Van Der Horst and Journals of Jacobus Coetse Jansz [1760] and Willem van Reenen [1791] with an English translation by Dr E.E. Mossop

ZAR 600.00
Front cover of The Cape and its People and Other Essays by South African Writers edited by Professor Noble
The Cape and its People - Edited by Professor Noble

The Cape and its People and Other Essays by South African Writers edited by Professor Noble published in 1869 contains 27 essays including Prejudice against Colour, Insect Life in South Africa, and The Bushman Language.

ZAR 700.00
Front cover of Twelve Years in South Africa by Rev. J. O'Haire
Twelve Years in South Africa - Rev. J. O'Haire

Twelve Years in South Africa by Reverend James O'Haire presents recollections of the western district of the Cape of Good Hope, selected chiefly from his diary. Reverend James O'Haire was an Irish priest who started the Catholic Mission at Malmesbury.

ZAR 500.00
