South Africa General

Front Cover of Money in South Africa by C.L. Engelbrecht
Money in South Africa - C.L. Engelbrecht

Money in South Africa by C.L. Engelbrecht is the story of South African currency over three centuries and is the most comprehensive account of this region's coins and banknotes.

ZAR 750.00
Front Cover of S A Politics Unspun by Stephen Grootes
S A Politics Unspun - Stephen Grootes

S A Politics Unspun by Stephen Grootes cuts through the incomprehensible political spin and media coverage out there to provide an accessible, attractive, easy-to-read road map to South African politics.

ZAR 90.00
Front cover of Historic Schools of South Africa by Peter Hawthorne; Barry Bristow
Historic Schools of South Africa - Peter Hawthorne; Barry Bristow

Historic Schools of South Africa: An Ethos of Excellence by Peter Hawthorne and Barry Bristow with photographs by Laura Jeannes and Kevin Rudham showcases twenty-three of the most celebrated schools in South Africa.

ZAR 500.00
Front cover of 50 by Steve Hofmeyr
50 - Steve Hofmeyr

50 deur Steve Hofmeyr is 'n Fotografiese herdenking van die lewe en loopbaan van een van Suid-Afrika se suksesvolste musikante en gewildste akteurs, met 'n geweldige aantal toegewyde bewonderaars. Die boek bevat foto's uit Steve se jong dae en sy deurbraak-jare in die musiekbedryf.

ZAR 135.00
Front cover of The Rise of the Phoenix by Peter Joyce
The Rise of the Phoenix - Peter Joyce

The Rise of the Phoenix: The Story Of Sport In The New South Africa by Peter Joyce is a fascinating account of South Africa's post-isolation sporting experiences. The author offsets the triumphs that brought the nation glory when the country was finally reintegrated and welcomed back into the international sporting arena against events that set it apart in the dark days of apartheid.

ZAR 95.00
Front Cover of Africana Repository by R F Kennedy
Africana Repository - R F Kennedy

Africana Repository: Notes For A Series Of Lectures Given To The Hillbrow Study Centre From March To May 1964 by R F Kennedy contains much information of primary importance to everyone interested in books about South Africa.

ZAR 145.00
Front cover of Africana Repository by R. F. Kennedy
Africana Repository - R. F. Kennedy

Africana Repository: Notes from a Series of Lectures Given to the Hillbrow Study Centre from March to May 1964 by R. F. Kennedy is a book for collectors, be they experts or amateurs. It contains much information not easily accessible, but of primary importance to everyone interested in books about South Africa.

ZAR 145.00
Front cover of Bitter Dawn by Dan Newling
Bitter Dawn - Dan Newling

Bitter Dawn: A search for the truth about the murder of Anni Dewani by Dan Newling is a journalistic investigation into a crime that ignited firestorms of outrage across the world.

ZAR 90.00
Front cover of A Dictionary of Southern African Place Names by P. E. Raper
A Dictionary of Southern African Place Names - P. E. Raper

A Dictionary of Southern African Place Names by P. E. Raper takes the reader on a fascinating journey through the highways and byways of Southern Africa, discovering the origins of the names of the cities and villages, mountains, valleys and rivers.

ZAR 125.00
Front cover of To Everything its Season by Gillian Rattray
To Everything its Season - Gillian Rattray

To Everything its Season: Mala Mala, The Story of a Game Reserve by Gillian Rattray is a record of bushveld days and seasons and a paean to the people who, over the years, made this heart of Africa what it is by leaving it the way it has always been.

ZAR 120.00
Front cover of The Poisoned Chalice by Gavin Rich
The Poisoned Chalice - Gavin Rich

The Poisoned Chalice: The rise and fall of the post-isolation Springbok coaches by Gavin Rich takes an in-depth look at each of the coaches in the post-apartheid years, and at the same time examines how the role has evolved over the past two decades.

ZAR 90.00
image of The City of Pretoria and Districts by South African Railways & Department
The City of Pretoria and Districts - South African Railways and Department

The City of Pretoria and Districts: An Official Handbook, 1913 by South African Railways and Department describes the social, official, mining, farming, and general progress and possibilities of the administrative capital and surrounding districts of the time.

ZAR 225.00
image of Boukuns  by Van Niekerk, Brand
Boukuns - Brand Van Niekerk

Boukuns deur Brand Van Niekerk is geskryf om van mooi geboue to vertel, en hoe en waar hulle gebou is en hoe hul skoonheid te waardeer.

ZAR 150.00