
Front cover of The Spark of Life by Frances Ashcroft
The Spark of Life - Frances Ashcroft

The Spark of Life: Electricity in the Human Body by Frances Ashcroft explores electricity and the human body. The history of how scientists discovered the role of electricity in the human body is a colourful one, filled with extraordinary personalities, fierce debates, and brilliant experiments.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of Zoom by Bob Berman
Zoom - Bob Berman

Zoom: How everything moves, from atoms and galaxies to blizzards and bees by Bob Berman takes a thrilling tour around the wondrous and myriad motions that shape every aspect of the universe. Sitting still in a quiet room, you might just be able to convince yourself that nothing is moving. But air currents swirl about you. Blood rushes through your veins.

ZAR 95.00
Front cover of The Red Canary by Tim Birkhead
The Red Canary - Tim Birkhead

The Red Canary: The Story of the First Genetically Engineered Animal by Tim Birkhead follows the compelling quest to turn the green canary red. The creation of Dolly the sheep in the 1990s was for many people the start of a new era: the age of genetically modified animals.

ZAR 110.00
Front cover of The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2014 edited by Deborah Blum
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2014 - Deborah Blum

The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2014 edited by Deborah Blum selects the years top science and nature writing from writers who balance research with humanity and in the process uncover riveting stories of discovery across the disciplines.

ZAR 110.00
Front Cover of The Ascent of Man by J Bronowski
The Ascent of Man - J Bronowski

The Ascent of Man by J Bronowski was developed from the thirteen-part BBC television series written by Jacob Bronowski, and traces the development of science as an expression of the special gifts that characterise man and that have made him unique among animal species.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of At the Edge of Uncertainty by Michael Brooks
At the Edge of Uncertainty - Michael Brooks

At the Edge of Uncertainty:11 Discoveries Taking Science by Surprise  by Michael Brooks investigates the new wave of unexpected insights that are shaping the future of scientific discovery. The atom. The Big Bang. DNA. Natural selection. All ideas that have revolutionised science - and that were dismissed out of hand when they first appeared. The surprises haven't stopped.

ZAR 125.00
Front cover of The Hungry Scientist Handbook by Patrick Buckley and Lily Binns
The Hungry Scientist Handbook - Patrick Buckley and Lily Binns

The Hungry Scientist Handbook by Patrick Buckley and Lily Binns brings DIY technology into the kitchen and onto the plate.

ZAR 110.00
Front cover of What a Wonderful World by Marcus Chown
What a Wonderful World - Marcus Chown

What a Wonderful World: Life, the Universe and Everything in a Nutshell by Marcus Chown quickly and painlessly brings us up to speed on how the world of the 21st century works with wit, colour and clarity. From economics to physics and biology to philosophy, Marcus Chown explains the complex forces that shape our universe.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of Extra Sensory by Brian Clegg
Extra Sensory - Brian Clegg

Extra Sensory: The Science and Pseudoscience of Telepathy and Other Powers of the Mind by Brian Clegg is a pop-science look at the untapped abilities of human beings, from ESP to Telekenesis and other real life sciences that are currently being studied today, from physicist Brian Clegg. We'd all love to have 'psi' abilities like telepathy, telekinesis, and remote viewing.

ZAR 130.00
Front Cover of The Last Three Minutes by Paul Davies
The Last Three Minutes - Paul Davies

The Last Three Minutes: Conjectures about the ultimate fate of the universe by Paul Davies surveys predictions about the topic and assesses the profound scientific and philosophical implications.

ZAR 95.00
Front cover of Brief Candle in the Dark by Richard Dawkins
Brief Candle in the Dark - Richard Dawkins

Brief Candle in the Dark: My Life in Science by Richard Dawkins continues his autobiography, following the threads that have run through the second half of his life so far and homing in on the key individuals, institutions and ideas that inspired and motivated him.

ZAR 110.00
Front cover of The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins
The Greatest Show on Earth - Richard Dawkins

The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins takes on creationists, including followers of 'Intelligent Design' and all those who question the fact of evolution through natural selection.

ZAR 95.00
Front Cover of 30 Second Evolution edited by Mark Fellowes and Nicholas Battey
30 Second Evolution - Mark Fellowes and Nicholas Battey

30 Second Evolution: The 50 Most Significant Ideas and Events, Each Explained in Half a Minute edited by Mark Fellowes and Nicholas Battey unlocks the laboratory of life, dissecting it into the 50 most significant topics that provide the missing links to understand the natural world's four-billion-year ancestry and the process of natural selection in which species either adapt in myria

ZAR 140.00
Front cover of The Perfect Theory by Pedro G Ferreira
The Perfect Theory - Pedro G Ferreira

The Perfect Theory: A Century of Geniuses and the Battle over General Relativity by Pedro G Ferreira explains just how staggering an achievement general relativity was while bringing to life the infighting that it sparked in the field of physics over the past century. Einstein’s theory of general relativity is possibly the most perfect intellectual achievement of modern physics.

ZAR 130.00
Front cover of The Perfect Theory by Pedro G Ferreira
The Perfect Theory - Pedro G Ferreira

The Perfect Theory: A Century of Geniuses and the Battle over General Relativity by Pedro G Ferreira explains just how staggering an achievement general relativity was while bringing to life the infighting that it sparked in the field of physics over the past century. Einstein’s theory of general relativity is possibly the most perfect intellectual achievement of modern physics.

ZAR 155.00
Front cover of Epigenetics by Richard C Francis
Epigenetics - Richard C Francis

Epigenetics: The Ultimate Mystery of Inheritance by Richard C Francis is the first book for general readers on this fascinating and important topic. Epigenetic means "on the gene" and the term refers to the recent discovery that stress can impact an individual's physiology so deeply that those biological scars are actually inherited by the next several generations.

ZAR 135.00
Front cover of The Mathematics of Love by Hannah Fry
The Mathematics of Love - Hannah Fry

The Mathematics of Love: Patterns, Proofs, and the Search for the Ultimate Equation by Hannah Fry takes the audience on a fascinating journey through the patterns that define our love lives, tackling some of the most common yet complex questions pertaining to love: What's the chance of us finding love? What's the chance that it will last? How does online dating work, exactly?

ZAR 85.00
Front Covers of Apollo 11, the NASA Mission Reports edited by Robert Godwin
Apollo 11, the NASA Mission Reports - Robert Godwin

Apollo 11, the NASA Mission Reports, volumes 1 and 2, edited by Robert Godwin have been compiled from the NASA archives. Volume 1 contains all the technical information of the mission. Volume 2 is the technical crew debriefing done immediately after the flight. Both books contain a CD ROM with images and MPEG video.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of The Universe in the Rearview Mirror by Dave Goldberg
The Universe in the Rearview Mirror - Dave Goldberg

The Universe in the Rearview Mirror: How Hidden Symmetries Shape Reality by Dave Goldberg (the coolest nerd physicist on the planet), gives a hyper drive tour of the universe. Not only does he answer the questions your stoner friends came up with in college, but he also reveals the most profound discoveries of physics with infectious, Carl Sagan–like enthusiasm and accessibility.

ZAR 130.00
Front Cover of A Brief History of Science edited by John Gribbin
A Brief History of Science - John Gribbin

A Brief History of Science edited by John Gribbin outlines the key concepts forming the core of each major branch of science, and how they were developed. The book also reviews the achievements of all the major figures in the history of modern science, from Galileo onward. Profusely illustrated.

ZAR 90.00
Front Cover of The New Scientist Guide to Chaos edited by Nina Hall
The New Scientist Guide to Chaos - Nina Hall

The New Scientist Guide to Chaos edited by Nina Hall is a collection of incisive reports in which experts draw on the latest research to explain the roots of chaos in modern mathematics and physics.

ZAR 65.00
Front cover of The Genesis of Science by James Hannam
The Genesis of Science - James Hannam

The Genesis of Science: How the Christian Middle Ages Launched the Scientific Revolution by James Hannam is a provocative, engaging, and terrific read, which will change the way you think about our past--and our future.

ZAR 110.00
Front cover of My Brief History by Stephen Hawking
My Brief History - Stephen Hawking

My Brief History: A Memoir by Stephen Hawking recounts Stephen Hawking's improbable journey, from his post-war London boyhood to his years of international acclaim and celebrity.

ZAR 96.00
Front cover of The Universal History of Numbers by Georges Ifrah
The Universal History of Numbers - Georges Ifrah

The Universal History of Numbers by Georges Ifrah is a boxed set of three volumes. Volume 1: The World's First Number-Systems, Volume 2: The Modern Number-System and Volume 3: The Computer and the Information Revolution. This is a history of counting and calculation from the caveman to the computer that adds up to the story of how the human race learned to think logically.

ZAR 450.00
Front Cover of Not in Your Genes by Oliver James
Not in Your Genes - Oliver James

Not in Your Genes: The Real Reasons Children are Like Their Parents by Oliver James drills deep down into the childhood causes of our individuality, revealing why our upbringing, not our genes, plays such an important role in our wellbeing and success.

ZAR 130.00
