
Front cover of  The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa by Thomas Baines
The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa - Thomas Baines

The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa by Thomas Baines, who journeyed to the Zambesi & Matabeleland several times & was a member of Livingstone's Zambesi Expedition. His fame as an explorer, mapmaker and naturalist led to his engagement by a company in Britain to investigate the newly discovered Tati & "Matabil Land" goldfields.

ZAR 900.00
Front cover of The Stone Age Cultures of Northern Rhodesia by J. Desmond Clark
The Stone Age Cultures of Northern Rhodesia - J. Desmond Clark

The Stone Age Cultures of Northern Rhodesia: With Particular Reference to the Cultural and Climatic Succession in the Upper Zambezi Valley and its Tributaries by J. Desmond Clark is an in-depth look at early Rhodesian civilisation and includes a chapter on the geology by F. Dixey, and appendixes by H. B. S. Cooke, L. H. Wells and G. Bond.

ZAR 500.00
Front Cover of Fireforce: One Man's War in the Rhodesian Light Infantry by Chris Cocks
Fireforce - Chris Cocks

Fireforce: One Man's War in the Rhodesian Light Infantry by Chris Cocks is the compelling, brutal but true account of Chris Cocks service in 3 Commando, The Rhodesian Light Infantry, during Zimbabwe s bitter civil war of the 70s - a war that came to be known almost innocuously as the bush war.

Illustrated with b&w photos.

ZAR 500.00
Front Cover of The Elite by Barbara Cole
The Elite: Rhodesian Special Air Service Pictorial - Barbara Cole

The Elite: Rhodesian Special Air Service Pictorial by Barbara Cole is an account of the secret exploits of the Elite Regiment, based on interviews with the people involved in the SAS's many and varied operations, the heroes of an era. It is a history of high adventure and daring, courage and humanism.

ZAR 950.00
Front cover of The Ancient Ruins of Rhodesia by R. N. Hall and W. G. Neal
The Ancient Ruins of Rhodesia - R. N. Hall & W. G. Neal

The Ancient Ruins of Rhodesia: Monomotopae Imperium by R. N. Hall and W. G. Neal presents a fascinating analysis of the ruins in Rhodesia. Speculation is made about the founders of such ruins, as well as the reasons for their construction. It includes over 70 illustrations, maps and plans.

ZAR 1,250.00
Front cover of Contact by John Lovett
Contact - John Lovett

Contact: A Tribute to Those Who Serve Rhodesia by John Lovett presents a pictorial profile of the Rhodesian war and of their armed forces. It includes narratives on the country's military tradition, the political origins of the conflict, and the history and nature of the operations against terrorism.

ZAR 1,200.00
Front Cover of Contact II by Paul L. Moorcraft
Contact II - Paul L. Moorcraft

Contact II: Struggle for Peace by Paul L. Moorcraft is a follow-up to the very successful Contact, although the book Contact II can also stand in its own right as a chronicle of the Rhodesian war. The second volume is not intended to be a blow-by-blow account of the war nor a detailed analysis of each unit of the Security Forces.

ZAR 2,250.00
Front cover of Chimurenga! by Paul L Moorcraft and Peter McLaughlin
Chimurenga! - Paul L Moorcraft; Peter McLaughlin

Chimurenga!: The War in Rhodesia 1965-1980 by Paul L Moorcraft and Peter McLaughlin is the first comprehensive account of the war. Paul Moorcraft and Peter McLaughlin both acknowledged experts in the field of military history present a fair and factual record of the struggle from both sides.

ZAR 250.00
Front cover of Winds of Destruction by P. J. H. Petter-Bowyer
Winds of Destruction - P. J. H. Petter-Bowyer

Winds of Destruction: The autobiography of a Rhodesian combat pilot by P. J. H. Petter-Bowyer is the story of the author's life before and after joining the Royal Rhodesian Air Force. The book centres on the writer's involvement with air and ground operations in Rhodesia's thirteen-year war against Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo.

ZAR 425.00
Front cover of Dingo Firestorm by Ian Pringle
Dingo Firestorm - Ian Pringle

Dingo Firestorm: The greatest battle of the Rhodesian bush war by Ian Pringle describes the political and military backdrop leading up to the operation, and he tells the story of the battle through the eyes of key personalities who planned, led and participated in it.

ZAR 95.00
Front cover of A Pride of Eagles by Beryl Salt
A Pride of Eagles - Beryl Salt

Limited edition copy of A Pride of Eagles by Beryl Salt, signed by author. No. 79/100.

A Pride of Eagles by Beryl Salt is the story of military aviation in Rhodesia from the romantic days of "bush" flying in the 1920s and 1930s when aircraft were refuelled from jerry cans and landing grounds were often the local golf course.

ZAR 2,500.00
Front Cover of  One Man's Hand by J. P. R. Wallis
One Man's Hand - J. P. R. Wallis

One Man's Hand: The Story of Sir Charles Coghlan and the Liberation of Southern Rhodesia by J. P. R. Wallis is the biography of the first Premier of Rhodesia [1924-1927]

ZAR 650.00