Natural History

Front cover of The Wisdom of Trees by Max Adams
The Wisdom of Trees - Max Adams

The Wisdom of Trees by Max Adams is a passionate and informative celebration of trees and of man's ingenuity in exploiting their resources and the perfect gift for anyone who cares about the natural world. Trees are marvels of nature, still-standing giants of extraordinary longevity.

ZAR 160.00
Front Cover of Underwater Guide to Coral Fishes of the Indian Ocean by Brent Addison and Jeremy Tindall
Underwater Guide to Coral Fishes of the Indian Ocean - Brent Addison and Jeremy Tindall

Underwater Guide to Coral Fishes of the Indian Ocean by Brent Addison and Jeremy Tindall contains descriptions of 113 species of fish with accompanying full colour photos.

ZAR 65.00
Front cover of The Anatomy of the Migratory Locust by F. O. Albrecht
The Anatomy of the Migratory Locust - F. O. Albrecht

The Anatomy of the Migratory Locust by F. O. Albrecht with introduction by J. W. Munro presents a single comprehensive account of the external and internal anatomy of the migratory locust.

This copy has a dedication written by the author to his father.

ZAR 400.00
Front Cover of Lions by Anne and Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Lions - Anne and Yann Arthus-Bertrand

Lions by Anne and Yann Arthus-Bertrand is a photo essay of lions of East Africa preceded by observations made by the authors/photographers. Text in French but there is a booklet inside which repeats the text in English.

This book also has 2 dust jackets - one in French and one in English. Translated by Rosanne Guggisberg

ZAR 90.00
Front Cover of The First Eden by David Attenborough
The First Eden - David Attenborough

The First Eden: The Mediterranean World and Man by David Attenborough explores the history and current state of this fascinating region which became the cradle of civilisation. Fully illustrated in colour.

ZAR 90.00
Front cover of Birds by Terance James Bond
Birds - Terance James Bond

Birds: The Paintings of Terance James Bond by Terance James Bond shows in full the remarkable talent of this distinguished artist. Terance James Bond is rightly regarded as one of the foremost bird illustrators in Britain. The range and ability of this artist and his meticulous attention to the most delicate of details have been known to bird-lovers for many years.

ZAR 430.00
Front Cover of African Seasons by Craig Bone
African Seasons - Craig Bone

African Seasons: Wildlife at the Waterhole by Craig Bone is a unique record in paintings and drawings of one year's observations around the Sapi waterhole deep within the Mana Pools National Park in the Zambezi valley. Numerous line drawings and full page colour plates.

ZAR 125.00
Front Cover of Bring Nature Back to Your Garden by Charles & Julia Botha
Bring Nature Back to Your Garden - Charles & Julia Botha

Bring Nature Back to Your Garden by Charles & Julia Botha is an excellent guide for the urbanite who wishes to attract birds and animals to their garden.

Illustrated with line drawings by Eve Gibbs.

ZAR 85.00
Front Cover of Game Ranch Management by J du P Bothma
Game Ranch Management - J du P Bothma

Game Ranch Management: A Practical Guide on All Aspects of Purchasing, Planning, Development, Management and Utilisation of a Modern Game Ranch in Southern Africa edited by J du P Bothma is a comprehensive guide to establishing and maintaining a healthy and profitable wildlife enterprise.


ZAR 250.00
Front Cover of Snowcaps on the Equator by Gordon Boy and Iain Allan
Snowcaps on the Equator - Gordon Boy and Iain Allan

Snowcaps on the Equator: Fabled Mountains of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zaire by Gordon Boy and Iain Allan captures the awe inspiring and remote beauty of the mountains of east and central Africa.

ZAR 180.00
Front Cover of Field Guide to the Insects of the Kruger National Park by Leo Braack
Field Guide to the Insects of the Kruger National Park - Leo Braack

Field Guide to the Insects of the Kruger National Park by Leo Braack describes each group and its life cycle, food and feeding methods, and habits and habitats.

Over 150 Groups Described and Illustrated in Full Colour

ZAR 95.00
Front Cover of The Living Shores of Southern Africa by Margo & George Branch
The Living Shores of Southern Africa by Margo & George Branch

The Living Shores of Southern Africa by Margo & George Branch with photography by Anthony Bannister communicates the excitement of marine biology and the stimulation of recent discoveries.

ZAR 180.00
Front Cover of Mountains of Southern Africa by David Bristow
Mountains of Southern Africa - David Bristow

Mountains of Southern Africa by David Bristow takes a close look at the high altitude world and the montane plants that flourish in this rigorous environment, the animals that roam the slopes and the raptors that soar among the peaks. The book looks at the mountains in SA's history and the people that chose to live in a harsh environment. Beautifully photographed by Clive Ward.

ZAR 90.00
Front Cover of The Kruger National Park by Jane Carruthers
The Kruger National Park - Jane Carruthers

The Kruger National Park: A Social and Political History by Jane Carruthers is an important pioneering work in the growing field of environmental history. Lavishly illustrated.

ZAR 175.00
Front Cover of The Fate of the Elephant by Douglas H Chadwick
The Fate of the Elephant - Douglas H Chadwick

The Fate of the Elephant by Douglas H Chadwick is an exploration of the natural history and troubled fate of the elephant. Douglas Chadwick travels the world to acquaint us with these awesome giants.

ZAR 135.00
Front cover of Butterflies of the Table Mountain Range by Claasens & Dickson
Butterflies of the Table Mountain Range - A. J. M. Claasens & C. G. C. Dickson

Butterflies of the Table Mountain Range: With the Inter-Relationship of Their Flora by A. J. M. Claasens and C. G. C.

ZAR 550.00
Front Cover of Life Histories of the South African Lycaenid Butterflies by G. C. Clark & C. G. C. Dickson
Life Histories of the South African Lycaenid Butterflies - G. C. Clark & C. G. C. Dickson

Life Histories of the South African Lycaenid Butterflies by G. C. Clark and C. G. C. Dickson is a collaborative entomological work in which a vast majority of species are depicted and described in full detail, and also pays attention to the subject entirely from the aspect of early ages.

ZAR 275.00
Front Cover of The Atlas of Snakes of the World by John Coborn
The Atlas of Snakes of the World - John Coborn

The Atlas of Snakes of the World by John Coborn is the ultimate snake reference book, with short discussions of all the families, subfamilies and genera and over 1400 full-colour photos.

ZAR 350.00
Front Cover of Pink Africa by Nigel Collar
Pink Africa - Nigel Collar

Pink Africa by Nigel Collar is a beautifully illustrated account of the Lesser flamingoes of the alkaline lakes of Kenya and Tanzania. Nigel Collar's authoritative test accompanies Carlo Mari's outstanding photographs.

ZAR 180.00
Front cover of Octopus! by Katherine Harmon Courage
Octopus! - Katherine Harmon Courage

Octopus!: The most mysterious creature in the sea by Katherine Harmon Courage dives into the mystifying underwater world of the octopus and reports on her research around the world.

ZAR 135.00
Front cover of The Ocean World by Jacques Cousteau
The Ocean World - Jacques Cousteau

The Ocean World by Jacques Cousteau is virtually an encyclopaedia of the undersea world. This magnificent and comprehensive volume covers all aspects of life in the oceans. It is illustrated throughout with over 385 photographs, plus maps and diagrams.

ZAR 250.00
Front Cover of Freshwater Fishes Of Natal by R. S. Crass
Freshwater Fishes Of Natal - R.S. Crass

Freshwater Fishes Of Natal by R. S. Crass is a factual description of all known freshwater fish in Natal, identifing habitat, food, life, history and other related data.

Illustrated by Esme Hennessy & Rosemary Ahrens

ZAR 200.00
Front cover of The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins
The Greatest Show on Earth - Richard Dawkins

The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins takes on creationists, including followers of 'Intelligent Design' and all those who question the fact of evolution through natural selection.

ZAR 95.00
Front Cover of Butterflies by Thomas C Emmel
Butterflies - Thomas C Emmel

Butterflies: Their World, Their Life Cycle, Their Behavior by Thomas C Emmel focuses on living butterflies habitat by habitat. Part one is about the life cycle, part two explores the various regions eg: rain forest, desert, grassland, mountains and oceanic islands, and part three looks at man and butterflies, collecting them and photographing them. Fully illustrated in colour.

ZAR 90.00
Front Cover of Kruger National Park by PF Fourie
Kruger National Park - PF Fourie

Kruger National Park: Questions and Answers by PF Fourie is an easy-to-read, fact-filled guide to the most frequently asked questions by visitors to South Africa s renowned Kruger National Park. Illustrated with colour photos and line drawings.

ZAR 65.00
