
Front cover of Jerry Lee Lewis by Rick Bragg
Jerry Lee Lewis - Rick Bragg

Jerry Lee Lewis: His own story by Rick Bragg for the very first time, reveals the truth behind the Last Man Standing of the rock-and-roll era. Jerry Lee Lewis has lived an extraordinary life. He gave rock and roll its devil's edge with hit records like 'Great Balls of Fire'. His incendiary shows caused riots and boycotts.

ZAR 95.00
Front Cover of The Music of Central Africa by Rose Brandel
The Music of Central Africa - Rose Brandel

The Music of Central Africa:An Ethnomusicological Study. Former French Equatorial Africa, The Former Belgian Congo, Ruanda-Urundi, Uganda, Tanganyika by Rose Brandel is a very comprehensive study of the the music of the areas listed. The book is divided into two parts: Part one considers the singing styles, an analysis of the music and the ethnology of the music.

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of 'n Stem vir Suid Afrika deur Mimi Coertse
'n Stem vir Suid Afrika - Mimi Coertse

'n Stem vir Suid Afrika deur Mimi Coertse is Mimi se storie soos vertel aan Ian Raper. Dit is die lewensverhaal van 'n begaafde vrou wat al haar liefde en verdriet in haar droom en haar taak werp.

ZAR 65.00
Front cover of Beethoven's Quartets by Joseph de Marliave
Beethoven's Quartets - Joseph de Markiave

Beethoven's Quartets by Joseph de Marliave A highly readable and accessible bar-by-bar, theme-by-theme guide to the monumental quartets of Beethoven. All 16 quartets and the Grosse Fuge are dissected and examined.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of Christmas Carols by Andrew Gant
Christmas Carols - Andrew Gant

Christmas Carols: From Village Green to Church Choir by Andrew Gant tells the story of some twenty carols, each accompanied by lyrics and music, unravelling a captivating - and often surprising - tale of great musicians and thinkers, saints and pagans, shepherd boys, choirboys, monks and drunks. Everyone loves a Christmas carol - in the end, even Scrooge.

ZAR 95.00
image of Violin Making by Heron-Allen, Ed.
Violin Making - Ed. Heron-Allen

Violin Making: As It was and Is by Ed. Heron-Allen describes the craft of violin making as it was done in the past and how it is done now, and presents a historical, theoretical, and practical treatise on the science and art of violin-making, for the use of violin makers and players, amateur and professional. Includes more than 200 illustrations by the author.

ZAR 180.00
Front cover of 50 by Steve Hofmeyr
50 - Steve Hofmeyr

50 deur Steve Hofmeyr is 'n Fotografiese herdenking van die lewe en loopbaan van een van Suid-Afrika se suksesvolste musikante en gewildste akteurs, met 'n geweldige aantal toegewyde bewonderaars. Die boek bevat foto's uit Steve se jong dae en sy deurbraak-jare in die musiekbedryf.

ZAR 135.00
Front Cover of  Studies in African Music Vols 1 by A.M Jones
Studies in African Music Vols 1 & 2 - A.M Jones

Studies in African Music Vols 1 & 2 by A.M Jones consists of Text in Volume 1 and Sheet Music in Vol 2. This book is addressed firstly to musicians and secondly to to those who, whether specialists in other fields of African life or as general readers, would wish to know what African music is like, and the social contexts in which it thrives.

ZAR 1,800.00
Front cover of When They Were Boys by Larry Kane
When They Were Boys - Larry Kane

When They Were Boys: The true story of the Beatles' rise to the top by Larry Kane is the story of the Beatles' harrowing rise to fame: focusing on that seven-year stretch from the time the boys met as teenagers to early 1964, when the Fab Four made their momentous first appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show." From the boys' humble beginnings in Liverpool, to the cellars of Hamburg, "When

ZAR 85.00
Front cover of The Indonesian Origin of Certain African Musical Instruments by Percival R Kirby
The Indonesian Origin of Certain African Musical Instruments - Percival R Kirby

The Indonesian Origin of Certain African Musical Instruments by Percival R Kirby is a reprint taken from African Studies a quarterly journal devoted to the study of African Cultures, government and languages, Vol 25, Number 1 , 1966. Professor Kirby's interest in the similarities of the instruments began in the 1920's. 4 pages of b&w plates

ZAR 120.00
Front cover of The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions by Mark Lewisohn
The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions - Mark Lewisohn

The Complete Beatles Recording Sessions: The Official Story Abbey Road 1962 - 1970 by Mark Lewisohn is the definitive guide to every recording session done by the Beatles at EMI's Abbey Road recording studio and includes 150 colour, 100 duotone, and 100 black-and-white photographs.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of Ethiopian Music: An Introduction by Michael Powne
Ethiopian Music: An Introduction - Michael Powne

Ethiopian Music - An Introduction: A Survey of Ecclestical and Secular Ethiopian Music by Michael Powne presents a conspectus of information about traditional Ethiopian music. Its discussion is primarily of the music of the Hamo-Semitic plateaux people and is divided into three sections:

ZAR 225.00
Front Cover of Love is a Mix Tape by Rob Sheffield
Love is a Mix Tape - Rob Sheffield

Love is a Mix Tape: Life and Loss, One Song at a Time by Rob Sheffield is a stunning memoir in which a the author tells the story of his musical coming of age, and how rock music, the first love of his life, led him to his second, a girl named Renee.

ZAR 60.00
Front cover of Beethoven by John Suchet
Beethoven - John Suchet

Beethoven: The Man Revealed by John Suchet illuminates the composer's difficult childhood, his struggle to maintain friendships and romances, his ungovernable temper, his obsessive efforts to control his nephew's life, and the excruciating decline of his hearing.

ZAR 155.00
Front cover of Beethoven by Jan Swafford
Beethoven - Jan Swafford

Beethoven: Anguish and Triumph by Jan Swafford peels away layers of legend to get to the living, breathing human being who composed some of the world's most iconic music.

ZAR 220.00
Front cover of Chopi Musicians by Hugh Tracey
Chopi Musicians - Hugh Tracey

Signed and inscribed copy of Chopi Musicians: Their Music, Poetry and Instruments by Hugh Tracey.

Chopi Musicians presents a written account of the Chopi of Portuguese East Africa, whose xylophone orchestras have long been famous throughout the southern portion of the continent.

Map included.

ZAR 475.00
Front cover of Bob Dylan and Philosophy by Peter Vernezze and Carl J Porter
Bob Dylan and Philosophy - Peter Vernezze and Carl J Porter

Bob Dylan and Philosophy: It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Thinking) edited by Peter Vernezze and Carl J Porter lets eighteen philosophers analyse Dylan’s ethical positions, political commitments, views on gender and sexuality, and his complicated and controversial attitudes toward religion.

ZAR 155.00
Front Cover of Harmony by Annie O Warburton
Harmony - Annie O Warburton

Harmony: A textbook for class use on aural foundations by Annie O Warburton is a further attempt to cover examinations requirements. The contents are as follows: Rudiments essential to harmony, the primary triads, the secondary triads, unessential notes and discords and less usual chords.

ZAR 60.00
Front cover of Music by Andrew Zuckerman
Music - Andrew Zuckerman

Music: Fifty musicians defining their craft by Andrew Zuckerman follows the highly acclaimed "Wisdom". Andrew Zuckerman now turns his unique photographic perspective to music.

ZAR 325.00