Mining (SA)

Front cover of Valley of Gold by A. P. Cartwright
Valley of Gold - A. P. Cartwright

Valley of Gold by A. P. Cartwright describes the discovery of gold in the Transvaal which led to developments such as Pilgrim's Rest, and tells of the rough-and-ready birth of South Africa's great gold mining industry.

Illustrated by P. W. Wheeler & Roy Taylor

ZAR 150.00
Front Cover of All That Glittered by Maryna Fraser and Alan Jeeves
All That Glittered - Maryna Fraser and Alan Jeeves

All That Glittered: Selected Correspondence of Lionel Phillips 1890-1924 by Maryna Fraser and Alan Jeeves presents, through a selection of the correspondence of Lionel Phillips, a complete picture of the career of one of the leading figures in the development of the South African gold mining industry.

ZAR 180.00
Front cover of Graves and Guineas by J. T. McNish
Graves and Guineas - J. T. McNish

Graves and Guineas by J. T. McNish concerns the exciting life of the early diamond diggers, covering the period in Kimberley's history, 1871-1873, and describes how conditions on the diamond fields started to settle down.

ZAR 300.00
Front Cover of The Road to Eldorado by JT McNish
The Road to Eldorado - JT McNish

The Road to Eldorado by JT McNish is the history of the South African diamond rush and of Kimberly 1867 - 1870. The first in the trilogy detailing the exciting events of Kimberley's vibrant diamond rush years.

ZAR 200.00
Front Cover of Gold! Gold! Gold! by Eric Rosenthal
Gold! Gold! Gold! - Eric Rosenthal

Gold! Gold! Gold!: The Johannesburg gold rush by Eric Rosenthal is an account of the South African gold rush in the Rand, and how it changed the world's economy. A small strip of veldt in southern Africa has produced more than half the world's gold reserve. It is known as the Rand, and around it has grown the great modern city of Johannesburg.

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of Pilgrim's Rest by Transvaal Provincial Library and Museum Service
Pilgrim's Rest - Transvaal Provincial Library and Museum Service

Compiled by the staff of the Pilgrim's Rest Museum, Pilgrim's Rest: A Pictoral History/Geskiedenis in Beeld by Transvaal Provincial Library and Museum Service is a photographic history of gold in the Eastern Transvaal.

Bilingual edition

ZAR 90.00
Front cover of Wait by Diamond People by A. J. Wannenburgh and Peter Johnson
Diamond People - Wannenburgh & Johnson

Diamond People by A. J. Wannenburgh and Peter Johnson is about an international, interdependent industry, an extraordinary mix of the competitive entrepreneurial spirit and co-operation in matters of common interest, involving the Third World just as much as the industrialized countries.

ZAR 200.00
Front Cover of The Randlords by Geoffrey Wheatcroft
The Randlords - Geoffrey Wheatcroft

The Randlords by Geoffrey Wheatcroft is the story of those men who transformed South Africa from a dry barren land, leaving modern South Africa as their legacy, particularly Johannesburg whose history of mining underlies that of the whole country. Illustrated with b&w photos.

ZAR 125.00