
Front cover of Philip Bawcombe's Johannesburg by Philip Bawcombe and Ted Scannel
Johannesburg - Philip Bawcombe & Ted Scannel

Philip Bawcombe's Johannesburg with illustrations by Philip Bawcombe and text by Ted Scannel captures the outline, the detail and the flavour of the old buildings of Johannesburg. It is considered a book of art.

ZAR 300.00
Front Cover of Johannesburg by Abe Berry
Johannesburg - Abe Berry

Johannesburg In Drawings and Text by Abe Berry is a personal record of Johannesburg by the cartoonist of 'The Star' newspaper.

ZAR 60.00
image of Alexandra by Bonner, Philip; Nieftagodien, Noor
Alexandra - Philip Bonner; Noor Nieftagodien

Alexandra: A History by Philip Bonner and Noor Nieftagodien is a social and political history of one of South Africa’s oldest townships. It begins with the founding of Alexandra as a freehold township in 1912, and traces its growth as a center of black working-class life in the heart of Johannesburg, to the post-apartheid era.

ZAR 180.00
image of Centenary by Butterfield, Paul H.
Centenary - Paul H. Butterfield

Centenary: The first 100 years of English Freemasonry in the Transvaal 1878-1978 by Paul H. Butterfield traces the methods by which English freemasonry spread throughout South and South-West Africa (Namibia). The evolution of the Transvaal Lodges is discussed in the context of the political history of the region and the Anglo-Boer War.

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of The Jameson Raid edited by J. Carruthers
The Jameson Raid - edited by J. Carruthers

The Jameson Raid, A centennial Retrospective edited by J. Carruthers. Twelve internationally recognised scholars revisit this key event in South African and British history.

ZAR 600.00
Front Cover of The City of Johannesburg Official Guide
The City of Johannesburg Official Guide - The Council of the City of Johannesburg

The City of Johannesburg Official Guide compiled by The Council of the City of Johannesburg is the 3rd edition of a guide aimed at tourists to Johannesburg for the year 1962. Illustrated with b&w photos with an introduction by the mayor at the time, Keith G Fleming

ZAR 120.00
Front slipcase cover of Gold Under Their Hooves by John Collings
Gold Under Their Hooves - John Collings

Gold Under Their Hooves: A History of the Johannesburg Turf Club, 1887-1987 by John Collings is a history of the first 100 years of Johannesburg Turf Club. Includes many photographs, both black-and-white and colour, which accompanies the text. Introduction by Eric Gallo.

This copy is a deluxe edition No. 80/250 addressed to previous owner.

ZAR 450.00
Front cover of  King Edward VII school 1902 -1924
King Edward VII school 1902 -1924

King Edward VII school 1902 -1924 is a pictorial account of the school in Johannesburg, South Africa. Illustrated throughout with sepia photographs and various rolls of honour and lists.

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of The Barnett Collection: Volume II by Denis Godfrey
The Barnett Collection: Volume II - Denis Godfrey

The Barnett Collection: South Africa and Johannesburg at the Turn of the Century; Volume II by Denis Godfrey is a selection from The Star newspaper's Barnett Collection of photographs of Johannesburg and includes photographs taken during the Anglo-Boer War and in the other major South African towns and cities.

ZAR 200.00
Front Cover of Father Huddleston's Picture Book by Trevor Huddleston
Father Huddleston's Picture Book - Trevor Huddleston

Father Huddleston's Picture Book by Trevor Huddleston is a pictorial history of the life of Father Trevor Huddleston and the role he played against apartheid in South Africa.

ZAR 185.00
Front cover of Johannesburg: Images and Continuities by Kallaway & Pearson
Johannesburg: Images and Continuities - Kallaway & Pearson

Johannesburg: Images and Continuities: A History of Working Class Life through Pictures (1885-1935) by Peter Kallaway and Richard Pearson is a pictorial history which engages many significant themes in the making of the modern Witwatersrand. Johannesburg's first century (1886-1986) changed the course of South African history.

ZAR 300.00
Front Cover of Johannesburg One Hundred by Ellen Palestrant
Johannesburg One Hundred - Ellen Palestrant

Johannesburg One Hundred: A Pictorial History by Ellen Palestrant is a fascinating pictorial social history from the earliest days to the present. The book features over 115 photographs.

ZAR 225.00
Front cover of Through the Red Revolt on the Rand
Through the Red Revolt on the Rand - Representatives of "The Star"

Through the Red Revolt on the Rand: A Pictorial Review of Events by "The Star" newspaper is a pictorial review of the events which led up to the 1922 Miner's strike on the Witwatersrand.

ZAR 600.00
Front cover of The Johannesburg Saga by John R. Shorten
The Johannesburg Saga - John R. Shorten

The Johannesburg Saga by John R. Shorten was produced under the authority of the Johannesburg City Council to commemorate the city's 80th anniversary in 1966.

ZAR 485.00
Front Cover of The Johannesburg Story by F Addington Symonds
The Johannesburg Story - F Addington Symonds

The Johannesburg Story by F Addington Symonds is the colourful story of the rise of the City of Gold.  Illustrated with 22 b&w Photographs

ZAR 125.00
Front cover of Soweto by Paul C. Venter
Soweto - Paul C. Venter

Soweto: Shadow City by Paul C. Venter tells the story of the people of Soweto - not only the young rebels who brought chaos to the country, but also their often conservative and hard-working parents.

ZAR 180.00