History (SA)

Front Cover of South African Jewry edited by Marcus Arkin
South African Jewry - Marcus Arkin

South African Jewry: A Contemporary Survey edited by Marcus Arkin attempts to asses problems and trends in the SA Jewish community as they were during the 1980's when this book was published.

ZAR 120.00
Front cover of The Beat of DRUM: Foundations of the Future by J. R. A. Bailey
The Beat of DRUM: Foundations of the Future - J. R. A. Bailey

The Beat of DRUM:Volume II: Foundations of the Future by J. R. A. Bailey contains stories that carry with them the feeling and immediacy of the period in which they were written.

ZAR 600.00
Front cover of Philip Bawcombe's Kimberley - Text by Ted Scannel
Kimberley - Philip Bawcombe & Ted Scannel

Philip Bawcombe's Kimberley, the second book in the series on places in South Africa with paintings of the city by Bawcombe and text by Ted Scannel . It follows Johannesburg which is widely recognised and shows the detail and flavour of the place.

Introduction by Brian Roberts

ZAR 300.00
Front Cover of Johannesburg Royal Presentation by L. J. Beirne
Johannesburg Royal Presentation - L. J. Beirne

Johannesburg Royal Presentation: Johannesburg: Its Municipality, Art Endeavours, Associations, Clubs, Communities, Institutions, Public Bodies, Regiments & Societies by L. J. Beirne is a commemorative publication issued to coincide with the Royal visit of King George V in 1911

ZAR 2,500.00
Front Cover of Soweto: A History by Philip Bonner & Lauren Segal
Soweto - Philip Bonner & Lauren Segal

Soweto: A History by Philip Bonner & Lauren Segal is based on the television series screened in South Africa, England and Australia. This is a source-based local history by one of South Africa's foremost local historians.

ZAR 375.00
Title page of African Seas by JBGM Bory De St. Vincent
African Seas - JBGM Bory De St. Vincent

African Seas by JBGM Bory De St. Vincent; published in 1805. The full title of the book is: Voyage to, and travels through Four Principal Islands of the African Seas, performed by order of the French Government, During the Years 1801 and 1802, with a Narrative of Captain Baudin to Port Louis in the Mauritius.

ZAR 3,000.00
Front cover of The Development of Education in the Transvaal, 1836-1951 by A. K. Bot
The Development of Education in the Transvaal, 1836-1951 - A. K. Bot

The Development of Education in the Transvaal, 1836-1951 by A. K. Bot is an illustrated brochure which the author wrote as a sequel to A Century of Education in the Transvaal, 1836-1936, and continues on from 1936, bringing his historical review up to date, by adding new chapters.

ZAR 350.00
image of Archives Year Book for South African History by Breytenbach, JH; Nobbs, E; Lewesen, P; Davies J
Archives Year Book for South African History 1942-II - Botha, CG et al

Archives Year Book for South African History, 1942-II edited by CG Botha; C Beyers; JLM Franken; HB Thom contains the following segments:

ZAR 150.00
image of Notes on South African Affairs by Boyce, W.B.
Notes on South African Affairs - W. B. Boyce

Notes on South African Affairs by W. B. Boyce is volume XXXIX in the Africana Collecteana series and was first published in 1838. Boyce was a Wesleyan missionary and a trusted adviser to Sir Benjamin d'Urban during the frontier war of 1834-5

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of The Tembu by Joan A Broster
The Tembu - Joan A Broster

The Tembu: Their Beadwork, Songs and Dances by Joan A Broster is a detailed account of the art, customs, songs, dances and ceremonies of the Tembu people.

ZAR 450.00
Front cover of Saving Nelson Mandela by Kenneth S Broun
Saving Nelson Mandela - Kenneth S Broun

Saving Nelson Mandela:The Rivonia Trial and the Fate of South Africa by Kenneth S Broun, a South African law expert, recreates the trial-called the "Rivonia" Trial after the Johannesburg suburb where police seized Mandela.

ZAR 130.00
Front Cover of Reminiscences of Kaffir Life and History and Other Papers by Charles Brownlee
Reminiscences - Charles Brownlee

Reminiscences of Kaffir Life and History and Other Papers by Charles Brownlee, is a sketch of Brownlee's life, with a memoir by his widow. Brownlee was a Gaika commissioner

ZAR 700.00
image of Centenary by Butterfield, Paul H.
Centenary - Paul H. Butterfield

Centenary: The first 100 years of English Freemasonry in the Transvaal 1878-1978 by Paul H. Butterfield traces the methods by which English freemasonry spread throughout South and South-West Africa (Namibia). The evolution of the Transvaal Lodges is discussed in the context of the political history of the region and the Anglo-Boer War.

ZAR 350.00
Front Cover of Playing the Enemy by John Carlin
Playing the Enemy - John Carlin

Playing the Enemy: Nelson Mandela and the Game That Made a Nation by John Carlin is the true story of how the most inspiring charm offensive in history brought South Africa together.

ZAR 80.00
Front cover of Knowing Mandela by John Carlin
Knowing Mandela - John Carlin

Knowing Mandela: A personal portrait by John Carlin offers a profound understanding of the man and what has made him the towering moral and political figure of our age. As Nelson Mandela was released from prison and the ensuing years saw the collapse of South Africa's apartheid regime, John Carlin was the South Africa correspondent of London's Independent newspaper.

ZAR 85.00
Front Cover of The Kruger National Park by Jane Carruthers
The Kruger National Park - Jane Carruthers

The Kruger National Park: A Social and Political History by Jane Carruthers is an important pioneering work in the growing field of environmental history. Lavishly illustrated.

ZAR 175.00
Front cover of The Magaliesberg by Vincent Carruthers
The Magaliesberg - Vincent Carruthers

The Magaliesberg by Vincent Carruthers is a masterful portrayal of the diversity of these mountains. The Magaliesberg mountains are more than two billion years old - one of the oldest mountain ranges on the planet and the book traces their creation and the changes in the landscape over this vast passage of time.

ZAR 350.00
Front Cover of Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa by Audrey R. Chapman & Hugo van der Merwe
Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa - Audrey R. Chapman & Hugo van der Merwe

Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa: Did the TRC Deliver? by  Audrey R. Chapman & Hugo Van Der Merwe provides a comprehensive evaluation of the TRC process and its impact on South African society.

ZAR 120.00
Front Cover of Reminiscences of Kimberly by Louis Cohen
Reminiscences of Kimberly - Louis Cohen

Reminiscences of Kimberly by Louis Cohen is an account of the early mining days in Kimberly based on memories of his life and people of the time.

ZAR 450.00
Front Cover of The Defence of Ladysmith and Mafeking by Arthur Davey
The Defence of Ladysmith and Mafeking - Arthur Davey

The Defence of Ladysmith and Mafeking: Accounts of two sieges, 1899 - 1900, being the South African War experiences of Willam Thwaites, Steuart Binny, Alfred Down and Samuel Cawood by Arthur Davey recounts firsthand experiences of 3 British soldiers and an 'uitlander' trapped within the besieged cities

ZAR 600.00
Front cover of A Vision Of The Past by Mona de Beer & Brian Johnson Barker
A Vision Of The Past - de Beer & Barker

A Vision Of The Past: South Africa in Photographs: 1843-1910 by Mona de Beer & Brian Johnson Barker is a fascinating photographic survey of life in South Africa from the early years of the Victorian era to the time of Union in 1910.

ZAR 450.00
Front Cover of S.A. Polisie Gedenkalbum/South African Police Commemorative Album by Marius de Witt Dippenaar
S.A. Polisie Gedenkalbum/South African Police Commemorative Album 1913 - 1988 - Marius de Witt Dippenaar

S.A. Polisie Gedenkalbum/South African Police Commemorative Album 1913 - 1988: The History of the South African Police 1913-1988/Die Geskiedenis van die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie commemorates the 75th anniversary of the former SAP (precursor to the current South African Police Service)

ZAR 1,850.00
Front cover of A Century of Sundays by Nadine Dreyer
A Century of Sundays - Nadine Dreyer

A Century of Sundays: 100 Years of Breaking News in the Sunday Times 1906-2006 edited by Nadine Dreyer is a collection of articles that have appeared in the Sunday Times for over a hundred years.

ZAR 135.00
Front cover of The Malay Quarter and Its People by I D du Plessis and CA Luckhoff
The Malay Quarter and Its People - I D du Plessis and CA Luckhoff

The Malay Quarter and Its People by I D du Plessis and CA Luckhoff gives a survey of all aspects the Malay quarter and its people, picturesque old houses, mosques and their oriental atmosphere and muezzins calling from the minarets, colourful old customs and intimate details of everyday life.

ZAR 750.00
Front cover of Mzabalazo by Barry Feinberg & Andre Odendaal
Mzabalazo - Barry Feinberg & Andre Odendaal

Mzabalazo: A Pictorial History Of the African National Congress by Barry Feinberg & Andre Odendaal shows archived photographs from the ANC's days as a liberation movement. First published as a paperback format of a portable exhibition of posters in 1994.

ZAR 120.00
