
Front cover of The Spark of Life by Frances Ashcroft
The Spark of Life - Frances Ashcroft

The Spark of Life: Electricity in the Human Body by Frances Ashcroft explores electricity and the human body. The history of how scientists discovered the role of electricity in the human body is a colourful one, filled with extraordinary personalities, fierce debates, and brilliant experiments.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of The Virtues of the Table by Julian Baggini
The Virtues of the Table - Julian Baggini

The Virtues of the Table: How to eat and think by Julian Baggini is a thought provoking exploration of our values and vices. How we eat, farm and shop for food is not only a matter of taste. Our choices regarding what we eat involve every essential aspect of our human nature: the animal, the sensuous, the social, the cultural, the creative, the emotional and the intellectual.

ZAR 95.00
Front cover of A Fortunate Man by John Berger
A Fortunate Man - John Berger

A Fortunate Man: The Story of a Country Doctor by John Berger reveals with extraordinary intensity the life of a remarkable man. It is a portrait of one selfless individual and the rural community for which he became the hub. In 1966 John Berger spent three months in the Forest of Dean shadowing an English country GP, John Sassall.

ZAR 125.00
Front cover of Typhoid Mary by Anthony Bourdain
Typhoid Mary - Anthony Bourdain

Typhoid Mary by Anthony Bourdain is a fascinating true story. In an homage from one cook to another, Bourdain follows Mary through the kitchens of New York, putting a human face to a desperate and unintentional murderer, and examines a time, and a life, with his inimitable style. In 1906, at a prosperous Long Island summer home, a family falls ill and typhoid is diagnosed.

ZAR 60.00
Front cover of Caffeinated by Murray Carpenter
Caffeinated - Murray Carpenter

Caffeinated: How Our Daily Habit Hooks, Helps and Hurts Us by Murray Carpenter draws on the latest research to reveal the little-known truths about this addictive, largely unregulated drug that we consume every day in coffee, energy drinks, teas, colas, chocolate, and even painkillers.

ZAR 140.00
Front cover of Complete Family Nutrition by Jane Clarke
Complete Family Nutrition - Jane Clarke

Complete Family Nutrition by Jane Clarke is a one-stop visual guide to quick and easy healthy meals for the whole family. Easily achieve a delicious and nutritious diet for a healthy happy family with Complete Family Nutrition, filled with 50 healthy recipes from trusted nutritionist Jane Clarke.

ZAR 120.00
Front cover of Epigenetics by Richard C Francis
Epigenetics - Richard C Francis

Epigenetics: The Ultimate Mystery of Inheritance by Richard C Francis is the first book for general readers on this fascinating and important topic. Epigenetic means "on the gene" and the term refers to the recent discovery that stress can impact an individual's physiology so deeply that those biological scars are actually inherited by the next several generations.

ZAR 135.00
Front cover of Toddler SOS by Jo Frost
Toddler SOS - Jo Frost

Toddler SOS: Practical solutions for the challenging toddler years by Jo Frost Saves Our Sanities in this essential toddler guide. The toddler years can test the most patient and energetic of parents and in this new toddler book, Jo Frost provides her invaluable advice on the hot-spots of toddler care.

ZAR 175.00
Front cover of How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm by Mei-Ling Hopgood
How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm - Mei-Ling Hopgood

How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm: Parenting Wisdom from Around the World by Mei-Ling Hopgood offers a charming insight into child-rearing practices across the globe. For any parent weary of the so-called 'expert advice' that's peddled in books and on TV, this refreshing read lifts the lid on how other cultures parent their children, with some interesting - and surprising - insights.

ZAR 60.00
Front cover of What You're Really Meant To Do by Robert Steven Kaplan
What You're Really Meant To Do - Robert Steven Kaplan

What You're Really Meant To Do: A road map for reaching your unique potential by Robert Steven Kaplan can help you change your life. In this indispensable new book, Kaplan shares a specific and actionable approach to defining your own success and reaching your potential. Drawing on his years of experience, Kaplan proposes an integrated plan for identifying and achieving your goals.

ZAR 248.00
Front cover of The Essential First Year by Penelope Leach
The Essential First Year - Penelope Leach

The Essential First Year: What babies need parents to know by Penelope Leach is a new research-based guide to baby-care from a world-renowned authority on child development. This outstanding new guide to parenting from the expert who transformed the way we raise children, Penelope Leach, draws on her unrivalled experience to help you bring up your baby in the first year.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of Success Through Stillness by Russell Simmons
Success Through Stillness - Russell Simmons

Success Through Stillness: Meditation Made Simple by Russell Simmons shows the connection between inner peace and outward success through interviews with other successful leaders in various industries, and how learning to be still has been instrumental in his own career.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of The Big Fat Surprise by Nina Teicholz
The Big Fat Surprise - Nina Teicholz

The Big Fat Surprise: Why butter, meat and cheese belong in a healthy diet by Nina Teicholz reveals the unthinkable: that everything we thought we knew about dietary fat is wrong.

ZAR 160.00