Graphic novels

Front cover of Gonzo by Will Bingley & Anthony Hope-Smith
Gonzo - Will Bingley & Anthony Hope-Smith

Gonzo: A Graphic Biography of Hunter S. Thompson by Will Bingley and illustrated by Anthony Hope-Smith is a witty, thoughtful graphic biography of the king of Gonzo journalism. Over the course of Hunter S. Thompson's extraordinary life he was publicly branded a bum, a vandal, a thief, a liar, an addict, a freak, and a psychopath. Some of which were true.

ZAR 110.00
Front cover of Jack Davis by Jack Davis
Jack Davis - Jack Davis

Jack Davis by Jack Davis: Drawing American Pop Culture: A Career Retrospective is a gigantic, unparalleled career-spanning retrospective, between whose hard covers resides the greatest collection of Jack Davis’ work ever assembled.

ZAR 320.00
Front cover of PS Magazine by Will Eisner
PS Magazine - Will Eisner

PS Magazine: The best of 'The Preventative Maintenance Monthly' by Will Eisner is a gem that fans of Eisner will love. Will Eisner--best known for his influential comic book series "The Spirit "and his groundbreaking graphic novel "A Contract with God"--believed in the teaching power of comics, and from 1951 to 1971 he produced "PS "magazine for the U.S. Army.

ZAR 110.00
Front cover of Mad edited by John Ficarra
MAD - The Golden Treasury Of Trash - John Ficarra

MAD - The Golden Treasury Of Trash - Special Collector's Edition edited by John Ficarra is a collection of highlights from the past five decades of this iconic magazine. Contains its unique original cartoons, social satire, movie spoofs, and pop culture references.

ZAR 85.00
Front cover of Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse by Floyd Gottfredson
Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse - Floyd Gottfredson

Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse by Floyd Gottfredson, in two volumes, showcases Gottfredson’s classic 1930s Mickey Mouse. Walt Disney often said that his studio’s success “all started with a mouse” ― and today Mickey is among the world’s most recognizable icons in the world.

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of The Adventurous Decade by Ron Goulart
The Adventurous Decade - Ron Goulart

The Adventurous Decade: Comic Strips in the Thirties by Ron Goulart which has been long out of print is now available again, covering the background and art of such strips as Buck Rogers, Flash Gordon, Tarzan, Scorchy Smith, Dick Tracy, Terry and the Pirates, Prince Valiant, The Phantom, Brick Bradford, The Spirit, and Don Winslow together with many seldom-discussed strips such as Bron

ZAR 175.00
Front cover of Modern British Posters by Paul Rennie
Modern British Posters - Paul Rennie

Modern British Posters: Art, Design and Communication by Paul Rennie explores the interaction between modern art, graphic design and the utopian vision of Britain in the 20th century through the medium of the modern poster.

ZAR 250.00
Front cover of When the Comics Went to War by Adam Riches
When the Comics Went to War - Adam Riches

When the Comics Went to War: Comic book war heroes by Adam Riches, Tim Parker and Robert Frankland is an expansive, authoritative history of the British war comic book genre, from the first publications to appear in the 1880s to the last new titles to appear in the 1990s.

ZAR 225.00