Exploration & Travel

Front cover of Mandalay to Momien by John Anderson
Mandalay to Momien - John Anderson

Mandalay to Momien, a narrative of the two expeditions to western China of 1805 and 1875 by John Anderson was intended as a work to inform a recent tragic mission from Burma to China, and an upcoming mission commanded by Colonel Horace Browne.

ZAR 2,000.00
Front cover of  The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa by Thomas Baines
The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa - Thomas Baines

The Gold Regions of South Eastern Africa by Thomas Baines, who journeyed to the Zambesi & Matabeleland several times & was a member of Livingstone's Zambesi Expedition. His fame as an explorer, mapmaker and naturalist led to his engagement by a company in Britain to investigate the newly discovered Tati & "Matabil Land" goldfields.

ZAR 900.00
Front Cover of An Account of a Voyage to New South Wales by George Barrington
An Account of a Voyage to New South Wales - George Barrington

An Account of a Voyage to New South Wales: Superintendent of the Convicts, to which is prefixed a Detail of His Life, Trials, Speeches, &c. &c by George Barrington is the autobiography of the author, a criminal sentenced to transportation. This is a facsimile copy of the 1810 edition.

ZAR 200.00
Front Cover of The National Geographic Society by CDB Bryan
The National Geographic Society - CDB Bryan

The National Geographic Society:100 Years of Adventure and Discovery by CDB Bryan covers the entire history of the Society, focusing on the guiding personalities behind it and the flamboyant explorers and innovative photographers. Beautifully illustrated.

ZAR 250.00
Front Cover of Six-Legged Snakes in New Guinea by Evelyn Cheesman
Six-Legged Snakes in New Guinea - Evelyn Cheesman

Six-Legged Snakes in New Guinea:A Collecting Expedition to Two Unexplored Islands by Evelyn Cheesman is an account of an expedition to New Guinea forests in 1938 and 1939. It describes the people and their customs as observed by the author.

Illustrated with b&w photos.

ZAR 135.00
Front Cover of Impossible Adventure by Alain Gheerbrant
Impossible Adventure - Alain Gheerbrant

Impossible Adventure: Journey to the Far Amazon by Alain Gheerbrant account of the exploration by three young Frenchmen of the Orinoco River, crossing from Venezuela and Columbia to Brazil, to join the Amazon , Starting out on the 6th of May 1949 and finishing on the 5th of July 1950.

ZAR 65.00
Front cover of Fallen Giants by Maurice Isserman and Stewart Weaver
Fallen Giants - Maurice Isserman and Stewart Weaver

Fallen Giants: A History of Himalayan mountaineering from the age of empire to the age of extremes by Maurice Isserman and Stewart Weave is a lively and generously illustrated book in which historians Maurice Isserman and Stewart Weaver present the first comprehensive history of Himalayan mountaineering in fifty years.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of A Labyrinth of Kingdoms by Steve Kemper
A Labyrinth of Kingdoms - Steve Kemper

A Labyrinth of Kingdoms: 10,000 Miles Through Islamic Africa by Steve Kemper is the first english biography of Heinrich Barth which rescues Barth from obscurity.

ZAR 145.00
Front Cover of In the Forbidden Land by A Henry Savage Landor
In the Forbidden Land - A Henry Savage Landor

In the Forbidden Land by A Henry Savage Landor is the account of the author's 1896 expedition to Tibet where he was captured and imprisoned. The author's lack of either training or a scientific approach to his wanderings have rendered much of his surveying and scientific recordings unreliable, but his dry humour and almost impossible escapes make his books enjoyable.

ZAR 250.00
Front cover of A Passage to Congo by Pierre Loos and Pierre Buch
A Passage to Congo - Pierre Loos and Pierre Buch

A Passage to Congo: Photographs by Doctor Emile Muller 1923-1938 by Pierre Loos and Pierre Buch is a collection of photographs taken by Doctor Emile Muller (1891-1976) in the Congo provinces of the Kasai and Katanga, territories of the Chokwe, Luba, Bashibushong and Basalampasu tribes. For these people, he was not the "boss", but he who cured, who gave relief, who listened.

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of Wilfred Thesiger by Alexander Maitland
Wilfred Thesiger - Alexander Maitland

Wilfred Thesiger: The Life of the Great Explorer by Alexander Maitland is an authorised biography which was written with Thesiger's support before he died in 2003 and with unique access to the rich Thesiger archive.

ZAR 175.00
Front cover of Big Earth by Russ Malkin
Big Earth - Russ Malkin

Big Earth: 101 Amazing Adventures by Russ Malkin talks us through his favourite trips and destinations, so we can set off and explore this incredible world for ourselves. As the producer and director of some of TV's most successful travel series - The Long Way Down, The Long Way Round, Race to Dakar and By Any Means - Russ Malkin is an expert in adventure travel.

ZAR 70.00
Front Cover of Treasure of the Atocha by R Duncan Mathewson III
Treasure of the Atocha - R Duncan Mathewson III

Treasure of the Atocha: A $400 Million Archaeological Adventure by R Duncan Mathewson III tells the story of the long search for the wreck, telling of a series of tantalising clues and serious setbacks before it was eventually found.

ZAR 75.00
Front Cover of Stanley by Frank McLynn
Stanley - Frank McLynn

Stanley: The Making of an African Explorer by Frank McLynn describes one of the greatest of African explorers. Stanley accomplished many feats but behind the public man lay a disturbed personality. Illustrated with b&w photos.

ZAR 135.00
Front Cover of How to Shit in the Woods by Kathleen Meyer
How to Shit in the Woods - Kathleen Meyer

How to Shit in the Woods: An Environmentally Sound Approach to a Lost Art by Kathleen Meyer examines the latest techniques for graceful backcountry elimination, and answering a desperate cry from nature concerning environmental precautions in our ever-shrinking wilds. The go to book for hiking and voiding your bowels in the woods.

ZAR 60.00
Front Cover of Diving to a Flash of Gold by Martin Meylach
Diving to a Flash of Gold - Martin Meylach

Diving to a Flash of Gold by Martin Meylach is the true story of a diver's successful discovery of 18th century Spanish treasure off the Florida Keys. The book includes locations of over 130 wrecks and colour and b/w photos.

ZAR 95.00
Front Cover of After Everest an Autobiography by Tenzing Norgay & Malcolm Barnes
After Everest - Tenzing Norgay & Malcolm Barnes

After Everest: An Autobiography by Tenzing Norgay & Malcolm Barnes is the autobiography of Tenzing Norgay, the uneducated Sherpa who had a lifelong ambition to conquer Mount Everest who eventually, with Edmund Hillary, returned from the summit as hero.

ZAR 1,250.00
Front cover of Pocket Travel Atlas by Phillip's
Pocket Travel Atlas - Phillip's

Phillip's Pocket Travel Atlas is a compact and portable world atlas and is ideal for the briefcase, suitcase or back-pack. The 96 pages of up-to-date world maps are physically coloured to give a vivid portrayal of the Earth's landforms, with cities, towns, major transport routes and administrative boundaries clearly shown.

ZAR 75.00
Front Cover of The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook - Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht

The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht is here to help: jam-packed with how-to, hands-on, step-by-step, illustrated instructions on everything you need to know - from defusing a bomb to delivering a baby in the back of a cab.

ZAR 60.00
Front Cover of To the Summit by Joseph Poindexter
To the Summit - Joseph Poindexter

To the Summit: Fifty Mountains that Lure, Inspire and Challenge by Joseph Poindexter takes armchair adventurers as well as experienced climbers to the peaks of the 50 most powerful and intriguing mountains in the world. It collects writings about mountains and mountain climbing, illustrated throughout with colour and black-and-white photos.

ZAR 225.00
Front Cover of The Ice by Stephen J Pyne
The Ice - Stephen J Pyne

The Ice: A Journey to Antarctica by Stephen J Pyne is a descriptive work on the most complex ice form - the massive berg - along with packs, sheets, glaciers & domes. The contents are: 1: The pack 2: The exploration of Antarctica 3: The shelf 4: The literature and art of Antarctica 5: The glacier 6: The earth sciences in Antarctica 7: The sheet 8: The geopolitics of Antarctica.

ZAR 90.00
Front cover of Between Man and Beast by Monte Reel
Between Man and Beast - Monte Reel

Between Man and Beast: An unlikely explorer, the evolution debates and the African adventure that took the world by storm by Monte Reel contains all the elements of an enthralling adventure story. In 1856, Paul Du Chaillu ventured into the African jungle in search of a mythic beast, the gorilla.

ZAR 135.00
Front Cover of Vanishing Amazon by Mirella Ricciardi
Vanishing Amazon - Mirella Ricciardi

Vanishing Amazon by Mirella Ricciardi is a photo documentary of the author's trip to the heart of the Amazon. Profusely illustrated with colour and monotone photographic plates.

ZAR 225.00
Front Cover of Royal Geographical Society Illustrated by the Royal Geographical Society
Royal Geographical Society Illustrated - Royal Geographical Society

Royal Geographical Society Illustrated by the Royal Geographical Society presents 300 rare photographs from the RGS' archives. The chapters are organised according to geographical region with an introductory essay written by the likes of Thesiger, Leaky, Edmund Hilary, & RTW Fiennes. The photos record historic moments of exploration & vanished/vanishing peoples.

ZAR 225.00
Front Cover of Skeleton Coast by Amy Schoeman
Skeleton Coast - Amy Schoeman

Skeleton Coast by Amy Schoeman covers the area in depth and compliments the text with outstanding photographs. The Skeleton Coast of Namibia, once an area for seafarers to fear and shun because of its treacherous coastline flanked by bone-bleaching desert wastes, is now prized as a place of beauty and tranquillity, a place of magnificent solitude.

ZAR 150.00
