
Title page of Ars Quatuor Coronatorum: Volume 93
Ars Quatuor Coronatorum: Volume 93

Ars Quatuor Coronatorum: Transactions of Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 by Cyril N. Batham is Volume 93 for the year 1980 published by an English Freemasonry lodge and includes a chapter about South Africa.

ZAR 225.00
Front cover of The Secret Language of Sacred Spaces by Jon Cannon
The Secret Language of Sacred Spaces - Jon Cannon

The Secret Language of Sacred Spaces: Decoding churches, temples, mosques and other places of worship around the world by Jon Cannon is both an overview of architecture and a survey of major faiths, offering fascinating insights into some of the most impressive man-made structures in the world.

ZAR 220.00
Front cover of Extra Sensory by Brian Clegg
Extra Sensory - Brian Clegg

Extra Sensory: The Science and Pseudoscience of Telepathy and Other Powers of the Mind by Brian Clegg is a pop-science look at the untapped abilities of human beings, from ESP to Telekenesis and other real life sciences that are currently being studied today, from physicist Brian Clegg. We'd all love to have 'psi' abilities like telepathy, telekinesis, and remote viewing.

ZAR 130.00
Front cover of The Masonic Magician by Philippa Faulks and Robert L D Cooper
The Masonic Magician - Philippa Faulks and Robert L D Cooper

The Masonic Magician: The Life and Death of Count Cagliostro and His Egyptian Rite by Philippa Faulks and Robert L D Cooper tells Count Cagliostro's extraordinary story, complete with the first English translation of the Egyptian Rite ever published. Count Alessandro Cagliostro was a cult figure in European society in the tumultuous years leading to the French Revolution.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of The Story of Fulfilled Prophecy by Justine Glass
The Story of Fulfilled Prophecy - Justine Glass

The Story of Fulfilled Prophecy by Justine Glass is an exciting introduction to the clairvoyants with the gift of precognition and divination. Its scope is from ancient Egypt to the present day, with profiles of world-renowned prophets of all time and including notables of our day such as Jeane Dixon, Edgar Cayce, Maurice Woodruff and others.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of The Guru by Manly Palmer Hall
The Guru - Manly Palmer Hall

The Guru: By his disciple by Manly Palmer Hall is a story of the holy or mystic life of India, as told to the author by a disciple in a reminiscent view of his many years of association with his beloved Hindu teacher.

ZAR 120.00
Front Cover of Path of the Pole by Charles Hapgood
Path of the Pole - Charles Hapgood

Path of the Pole by Charles Hapgood has served as a sourcebook for many recent writers on cataclysms and pole shifts, including Graham Hancock, deals with many issues that remain unexplained by science today. The author, an academic, spent years researching Antarctica, ancient maps and the geological record.

ZAR 60.00
Front Cover of The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend by Gareth Knight
The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend - Gareth Knight

The Secret Tradition in Arthurian Legend: The Archetypal Themes Images & Characters of the Arthurian Cycle & Their Place in the Western Magical Traditions by Gareth Knight takes the most famous and most haunting of all British legends and places it in its rightful position as the core of the Western Mystery Tradition, which draws its inspiration from Greek, Irish and even Atlan

ZAR 85.00
Front cover of The Chakras by C W Leadbeater
The Chakras - C W Leadbeater

The Chakras:A monograph by C W Leadbeater is another fine book by the acclaimed occultist and clairvoyant. This book is the first attempt to illustrate the chakras as they actually appear to those that can see them. Illustrated in b&w and colour.

ZAR 150.00
Front Cover of Orpheus by GRS Mead
Orpheus - GRS Mead

Orpheus by GRS Mead is an extensive look at the history, mystery and mythology of Orpheus and his importance in ancient theology and science. This copy is a facsimile reprint of the 1896 edition.

ZAR 90.00
Front cover of Speculative Art of Alchemy by A. S. Raleigh
Speculative Art of Alchemy - A. S. Raleigh

Speculative Art of Alchemy by A. S. Raleigh presents the text book on the art of self-regeneration together with the official interpretations of The Hermetic Brotherhood of Atlantis.

ZAR 650.00