Eastern Cape

Front Cover of Die Joernaal van Dirk Gysbert van Reenen, 1803 by Blommaert and Wiid
D G van Reenen se Joernaal1803 - Blommaert and Wiid

Die Joernaal van Dirk Gysbert van Reenen, 1803, Uitgegee en van voetnote, 'n biographiese skets en 'n landkaart voorsien deur wyle prof. dr. W. Blommaert en prof. J.A. Wiid. With an English translation by J.L.M. Franken and Ian M. Murray is the account of a journey into the Eastern Cape undertaken by the Governor of the Cape, J.W.

ZAR 450.00
image of Notes on South African Affairs by Boyce, W.B.
Notes on South African Affairs - W. B. Boyce

Notes on South African Affairs by W. B. Boyce is volume XXXIX in the Africana Collecteana series and was first published in 1838. Boyce was a Wesleyan missionary and a trusted adviser to Sir Benjamin d'Urban during the frontier war of 1834-5

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of The Records of a Pioneer Family by Alfred Essex, William Rabone and Harriet Rabone
The Records of a Pioneer Family - Essex; William & Harriet with Arthur Rabone

The Records of a Pioneer Family by Alfred Essex, William Rabone and Harriet Rabone is a collection of letters and diaries of the Essex/Rabone family, giving an account of the pioneer life more than a century ago.

ZAR 250.00
image of Grahamstown from Cottage to Villa by Reynolds, Rex & Barbara
Grahamstown from Cottage to Villa - Rex & Barbara Reynolds

Grahamstown from Cottage to Villa by Rex and Barbara Reynolds traces the development of Grahamstown's domestic architecture from 1812 to the present day. This title is Number 5 in the South African Yesterdays series

ZAR 220.00