Botanical & Gardening

Front cover of The Wisdom of Trees by Max Adams
The Wisdom of Trees - Max Adams

The Wisdom of Trees by Max Adams is a passionate and informative celebration of trees and of man's ingenuity in exploiting their resources and the perfect gift for anyone who cares about the natural world. Trees are marvels of nature, still-standing giants of extraordinary longevity.

ZAR 160.00
Front Cover of Notes on Mesembrianthemum and Some Allied Genera by H. M. L. Bolus
Notes on Mesembrianthemum and Some Allied Genera - H. M. L. Bolus

Notes on Mesembrianthemum and Some Allied Genera: Part 1 by H. M. L. Bolus with descriptions of a 100 new species.

ZAR 550.00
Front Cover of A Second Book of South African Flowers by H. M. L. Bolus
A Second Book of South African Flowers - Bolus; Barclay & Steer

A Second Book of South African Flowers by H. M. L. Bolus with photographs by E. J. Steer and illustrations by D.

ZAR 450.00
Front Cover of Bring Nature Back to Your Garden by Charles & Julia Botha
Bring Nature Back to Your Garden - Charles & Julia Botha

Bring Nature Back to Your Garden by Charles & Julia Botha is an excellent guide for the urbanite who wishes to attract birds and animals to their garden.

Illustrated with line drawings by Eve Gibbs.

ZAR 85.00
Front cover of Southern African Ferns and Fern Allies by J. E. Burrows
Southern African Ferns and Fern Allies - J E Burrows

Southern African Ferns and Fern Allies by J E Burrows represents the culmination of eighteen years of fern collecting throughout southern Africa and into the remotest corners of this subcontinent. It is a comprehensive work covering all 343 known species of the region and including also some of the naturalised introduced species.

ZAR 2,250.00
Front Cover of Figs Of Southern And South-Central Africa by John & Sandra Burrows
Figs Of Southern And South-Central Africa - John & Sandra Burrows

Figs Of Southern And South-Central Africa by John & Sandra Burrows, edited by Francois Steffens is an authoritative work that provides detailed information on the 48 native figs (Ficus) of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi.

ZAR 575.00
Front Cover of The South African Acacias by J.D. Carr
The South African Acacias - J.D. Carr

The South African Acacias describes all the species occurring in South Africa, South-West Africa, Botswana, Swaziland and Lesotho, and includes information, hitherto not available, on their propagation and cultivation.

J.D. Carr illustrates each of the 43 species with photographs and numerous drawings.

ZAR 400.00
Front Cover of Trees of Central Africa by Olive H. Coates Palgrave
Trees of Central Africa - Olive H. Coates Palgrave

Trees of Central Africa by Olive H. Coates Palgrave consists of water colour paintings of one hundred and ten of the trees met in the Federation of Central Africa. Each coloured plate is accompanied by a habitat photograph of the tree. Also includes the indigenous names of the trees and their medicinal uses, where known.

ZAR 400.00
Front Cover of Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol. 38: Plates 1481 - 1520 : 1967 by L. E. Codd
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol. 38: Plates 1481 - 1520 : 1967 - L. E. Codd

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol. 38: Plates 1481 - 1520 : 1967 edited by L. E . Codd with illustrations by Cythna Letty;  F. Anderson and A.van der Merwe.

ZAR 275.00
Front Cover of The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 42: Plates 1641-1680; 1972-73 by L. E. Codd
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 42: Plates 1641-1680; 1972-73 - L. E. Codd

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 42: Plates 1641-1680; 1972-73 edited by L. E. Codd with illustrations by Cythna Letty;  F. Anderson; A.v.d. Merwe; Rhona Collett; M. L. Branch; B. Pasco; J. Hulme and H. Marche.

ZAR 185.00
Front Cover of Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol. 40: Plates 1561 - 1600 : 1969 - 70 by L. E. Codd
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 40: Plates 1561-1600; 1969-70 - L. E. Codd

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 40: Plates 1561-1600; 1969-70 edited by L. E. Codd with illustrations by Cythna Letty;  F. Anderson; A.v.d. Merwe and Rhona Collett.

ZAR 275.00
Front Cover of Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol. 39: Plates 1521 - 1560 : 1969 by L. E. Codd
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 39: Plates 1521-1560; 1969 - L. E. Codd

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 39: Plates 1521-1560; 1969 edited by L. E. Codd with illustrations by Cythna Letty;  F. Anderson; A.v.d. Merwe; A. Miller and M. Page.

ZAR 185.00
Back Cover of Die Blomplante van Afrika: Vol 41: Plaate 1601-1640; 1971 by L. E. Codd
Die Blomplante van Afrika: Vol 41: Plaate 1601-1640; 1971 - L. E. Codd

Die Blomplante van Afrika: Vol 41: Plaate 1601-1640; 1971 by L. E.

ZAR 185.00
Front Cover of Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols.29 - 30: Plates 1121 - 1200 : 1952 - 55 by R. Allen Dyer
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols 29-30: Plates 1121-1200; 1952-55 - R Allen Dyer

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols 29-30: Plates 1121-1200; 1952-55 edited by R. Allen Dyer contains 80 coloured plates by Rhona Brown; Edith K. Burges; M.P. De Vos; Cythna Letty; G.J. Lewis; M.M. Page and J.H. Rose-Innes.

ZAR 350.00
Front Cover of The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols 31-32: Plates 1201-1279; 1956-58 by R. Allen Dyer
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols 31-32: Plates 1201-1279; 1956-58 - R Allen Dyer

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols 31-32: Plates 1201-1279; 1956-58 edited by R Allen Dyer, contains 80 coloured plates illustrated by Cythna Letty; Peter. R. O'Bally; M. Smit; M. C. Sutton and R. Brown

ZAR 350.00
Front Cover of The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols 35-36: Plates 1361-1420; 1962-64 by R Allen Dyer
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols 35-36: Plates 1361-1420; 1962-64 - R Allen Dyer

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols 35-36: Plates 1361-1420; 1962-64 edited by R Allen Dyer and illustrated by Cythna Letty; Peter. R. O'Bally; ME Walters; M. M. Connell; M. M. Page and Magaret Stones.

ZAR 350.00
Front Cover of The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols 33-34: Plates 1281-1360; 1959-61 by R. Allen Dyer
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols 33-34: Plates 1281-1360; 1959-61 - R Allen Dyer

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols 33-34: Plates 1281-1360; 1959-61 edited by R Allen Dyer, illustrated by Cythna Letty; M. E. Connell; M. N. Page; M. E. C and R. Brown.

ZAR 350.00
Front Cover of the Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols.27 - 28: Plates 1041 - 1116 : 1948 - 51 by R. Allen Dyer
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols.27-28: Plates 1041-1116: 1948-51 - R. Allen Dyer

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vols.27-28: Plates 1041-1116: 1948-51edited by R. Allen Dyer with illustrations by Cynthia Letty; Peter. R. O'Bally; G. J. Lewis; Edith K. Burges and M. Smit

ZAR 350.00
Front Cover of Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 28: Plates 1081-1120: 1950 - 51 by R. Allen Dyer
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 28: Plates 1081-1120: 1950-51 - R. Allen Dyer

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 28: Plates 1081-1120: 1950-51 edited by R. Allen Dyer with illustrations by Cythna Letty; Peter. R. O'Bally; G. J. Lewis; Edith K. Burges; R. Brown; B. O. Carter and M. E. Connell

ZAR 275.00
Front Cover of Ferns of the Witwatersrand by Florence D. Hancock & Annabelle Lucas
Ferns of the Witwatersrand - Florence D. Hancock & Annabelle Lucas

Ferns of the Witwatersrand by Florence D. Hancock & Annabelle Lucas is a guide to identifying indigenous species of ferns found on the Witwatersrand. Illustrated by Barbara Pike & Patsy-Lynne Edkins

ZAR 180.00
Front Cover of Veld Plants of Southern Africa by N. K. Hobson
Veld Plants of Southern Africa - N. K. Hobson

Veld Plants of Southern Africa by N. K. Hobson deals with both the identification & usefulness of a wide range of significant plants, trees, shrubs, and succulents to be found in the veld. The selection covers a wide range of plants, from annuals to long lived trees, so that with the knowledge here presented a good assessment of the value of the veld can be made.

ZAR 600.00
Back Cover of A Botanist in Southern Africa by John Hutchinson
A Botanist in Southern Africa - John Hutchinson

A Botanist in Southern Africa by John Hutchinson contains descriptions of Hutchinson's travels between 1928-29 and 1930. In 1919 he was put in charge of the Africa section and in 1936 was promoted to keeper of the Kew botanical museums. He also reveals the famous statesman Smuts's keen interest in botany as well as expeditions they went on.

ZAR 750.00
Front Cover of The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 45: Plates 1761 - 1800; 1978 by D. J. B. Killick
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 45: Plates 1761 - 1800; 1978 - D. J. B. Killick

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 45: Plates 1761 - 1800; 1978 edited by D. J. B. Killick with illustrations by Cythna Letty;  F. Anderson; A.v.d. Merwe; Rhona Collett; J. Kimpton; H. March;  R. Roos; M. Scott; R. Holcroft; I. Oliver and D. Ward.

ZAR 275.00
Front Cover of Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol. 43: Plates 1681 - 1720 : 1976 by D. J. B. Killick
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 43: Plates 1681-1720; 1976 - D. J. B. Killick

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 43: Plates 1681-1720; 1976 edited by D. J. B. Killick with illustrations by Cynthia Letty;  F. Anderson; A.v.d. Merwe; Rhona Collett; J. Bathgate; J. Kimpton; H. March; B. Johnsen; M. A. Vorwerk; E. F. Hennesey and P. R. O. Bally.

ZAR 185.00
Front Cover of The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 44: Plates 1721-1760; 1977 by D. J. B. Killick
The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 44: Plates 1721-1760; 1977 - D. J. B. Killick

The Flowering Plants of Africa: Vol 44: Plates 1721-1760; 1977 edited by D. J. B. Killick with illustrations by Cynthia Letty;  F. Anderson; A.v.d. Merwe; Rhona Collett; J. Bathgate; J. Kimpton; H. March; B. Johnsen; M. A. Vorwerk; E. F. Hennesey and P. R. O. Bally.

ZAR 275.00
