Biography (SA)

Front Cover of Zuma Exposed by Adriaan Basson
Zuma Exposed - Adriaan Basson

Zuma Exposed by Adriaan Basson is the book President Jacob Zuma does not want you to read. From Shaik to ‘The Spear’, award-winning investigative journalist Adriaan Basson reveals the truth behind Jacob Zuma’s presidency of the ANC and South Africa.

ZAR 125.00
Front Cover of Odyssey to Freedom by George Bizos
Odyssey to Freedom - George Bizos

Odyssey to Freedom by George Bizos is a spell-binding autobiography by one of the world's most admired human rights advocates. This story, told on a grand scale, unfolds from Bizos' daring rescue of 6 NZ soldiers from the Nazis as a boy in Greece. He arrives in Johannesburg together with his father, penniless and unable to speak English.

ZAR 250.00
Title page of African Seas by JBGM Bory De St. Vincent
African Seas - JBGM Bory De St. Vincent

African Seas by JBGM Bory De St. Vincent; published in 1805. The full title of the book is: Voyage to, and travels through Four Principal Islands of the African Seas, performed by order of the French Government, During the Years 1801 and 1802, with a Narrative of Captain Baudin to Port Louis in the Mauritius.

ZAR 3,000.00
Front cover of One Midlife Crisis and a Speedo by Darrel Bristow-Bovey
One Midlife Crisis and a Speedo - Darrel Bristow-Bovey

One Midlife Crisis and a Speedo by Darrel Bristow-Bovey is a warm, witty and eventually wise journey into the terrors and absurdities and grumpy compensations of middle age that will speak to every man and woman who has ever noticed that time is ticking by faster every day.

ZAR 85.00
Front Cover of Reminiscences of Kaffir Life and History and Other Papers by Charles Brownlee
Reminiscences - Charles Brownlee

Reminiscences of Kaffir Life and History and Other Papers by Charles Brownlee, is a sketch of Brownlee's life, with a memoir by his widow. Brownlee was a Gaika commissioner

ZAR 700.00
image of Old Dusty of the Low Veld by Campbell, George
Old Dusty of the Low Veld - George Campbell

Old Dusty of the Low Veld by George Campbell is based on the life of an old Prospecter who spent nearly fifty years in the Low Veld propspecting for gold. This book has an appeal all of its own, for here is a day that has gone and in the telling of "Old Dusty's" story, the author has, to quote Eldred Green, "himself panned some nuggets of pure gold"

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of Knowing Mandela by John Carlin
Knowing Mandela - John Carlin

Knowing Mandela: A personal portrait by John Carlin offers a profound understanding of the man and what has made him the towering moral and political figure of our age. As Nelson Mandela was released from prison and the ensuing years saw the collapse of South Africa's apartheid regime, John Carlin was the South Africa correspondent of London's Independent newspaper.

ZAR 85.00
Spines of The Life of Bishop Colenso: Volumes I & II by G. W. Cox
The Life of Bishop Colenso: Volumes I & II - G. W. Cox

The Life of Bishop Colenso: Volumes I & II by G. W. Cox presents a biography on a significant figure in the history of the published word in nineteenth century South Africa. Cox's work is of major importance, containing many of Bishop Colenso's letters.

This is a 1st edition ex libris copy.

ZAR 1,500.00
Front Cover of Mountains of Three Foot Tiger by Derek Davey
Three Foot Tiger - Derek Davey

Three Foot Tiger: A musical memoir by Derek Davey is an autobiography and an account of a life of sex, drugs and rock 'n roll in South Africa during during the country's transition from Apartheid and beyond

ZAR 300.00
Front Cover of Interfering in Politics by Andrew Duminy and Bill Guest
Interfering in Politics - Andrew Duminy and Bill Guest

Interfering in Politics: A Biography Of Sir Percy Fitzpatrick by Andrew Duminy and Bill Guest is a penetrating biography of Sir Percy FitzPatrick that looks at some of the issues normally sidestepped in earlier biographies, especially his involvement in the Jameson Raid and the South African war.

ZAR 275.00
Front cover of The Records of a Pioneer Family by Alfred Essex, William Rabone and Harriet Rabone
The Records of a Pioneer Family - Essex; William & Harriet with Arthur Rabone

The Records of a Pioneer Family by Alfred Essex, William Rabone and Harriet Rabone is a collection of letters and diaries of the Essex/Rabone family, giving an account of the pioneer life more than a century ago.

ZAR 250.00
Front Cover of All That Glittered by Maryna Fraser and Alan Jeeves
All That Glittered - Maryna Fraser and Alan Jeeves

All That Glittered: Selected Correspondence of Lionel Phillips 1890-1924 by Maryna Fraser and Alan Jeeves presents, through a selection of the correspondence of Lionel Phillips, a complete picture of the career of one of the leading figures in the development of the South African gold mining industry.

ZAR 180.00
Front cover of Irmin Henkel by Margot Henkel and Karin Skawran
Irmin Henkel - Margot Henkel & Karin Skawran

Irmin Henkel by Margot Henkel and Karin Skawran is a biography of Irmin Henkel an orthopaedic surgeon, and a painter of portraits and still lifes. It includes an erratum slip.

ZAR 4,500.00
Front Cover of A Nature Conservationist Looks Back by Douglas Hey
A Nature Conservationist Looks Back - Douglas Hey

A Nature Conservationist Looks Back by Douglas Hey endeavours to provide a popular yet factual account of the origins and development of nature conservation in the Cape Province. Illustrated with b&w photos.

ZAR 200.00
Front cover of Lothar Neethling deur Annette Jordaan
Lothar Neethling - Annette Jordaan

Lothar Neethling deur Annette Jordaan is die storie van die polisie se slim en gewilde forensiese deskundige wat sy naam verdedig teen beweringe dat hy middels voorsien het om mense aan die slaap te maak of te vermoor.

ZAR 98.00
Front cover of Conversations With a Gentle Soul by Ahmed Kathrada
Conversations With a Gentle Soul - Ahmed Kathrada

Conversations With a Gentle Soul by Ahmed Kathrada with Sahm Venter has its origins in a series of discussions between Kathrada and Sahm Venter about his opinions, encounters and experiences. Throughout his life, Kathrada has refused to hang on to negative emotions such as hatred and bitterness. Instead, he radiates contentment and the openness of a man at peace with himself.

ZAR 125.00
Front Cover of A Simple Freedom by Ahmed Kathrada with Tim Couzens
A Simple Freedom - Ahmed Kathrada with Tim Couzens

A Simple Freedom: The Strong Mind of Robben Island Prisoner, No. 468/64 by Ahmed Kathrada with Tim Couzens. During his incarceration, Ahmed Kathrada secretly jotted down quotations which he came across and liked: proverbs, aphorisms, poetry and drama extracts, and passages from books, magazines and newspapers. On Robben Island these quotations were like familiar freinds.

ZAR 225.00
Front Cover of Mahlangeni by Kobie Kruger
Mahlangeni - Kobie Kruger

Mahlangeni: Stories of a Game Ranger's Family by Kobie Kruger is the story of being the wife of the ranger in charge of a remote ranger station. Mahlangeni, the Tsonga word for "meeting place", is one of the most remote ranger stations in the Kruger National Park. Illustrated with line drawings.

ZAR 60.00
Front Cover of Mandela by Alf Kumalo and Es'kia Mphahlele
Mandela - Alf Kumalo and Es'kia Mphahlele

Mandela: Echoes of an Era by Alf Kumalo and Es'kia Mphahlele is the story of Nelson Mandela's life intertwined with an account of 41 years of the African National Congress Party. Text by Mphahlele and b&w photos by Kumalo.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of On Circuit in Kafirland by Perceval M Laurence
On Circuit in Kafirland - Perceval M Laurence

On Circuit in Kafirland: And Other Sketches And Studies by Perceval M Laurence collects this colonial judge's writings in one volume. They represent some of the recreations, legal and literary of a colonial judge.

ZAR 450.00
The Kitchingman Papers by Basil le Cordeur & Christopher Saunders
The Kitchingman Papers - Basil le Cordeur & Christopher Saunders

The Kitchingman Papers, Missionary letters and journals, 1817 to 1848 from the Brenthurst Collection Johannesburg by Basil le Cordeur & Christopher Saunders.

Printing limited to a thousand copies.

ZAR 450.00
Front cover of Camp Life and Sport in South Africa by T J Lucas
Camp Life and Sport in South Africa - T J Lucas

Camp Life and Sport in South Africa: Experiences of Kaffir Warfare With the Cape Mounted Rifles by T J Lucas is a first rate account of life and warfare in the Cape during the 1850s, written by one who experienced the events described within these pages at first hand.

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of 491 Days by Winnie Madikizela-Mandela
491 Days - Winnie Madikizela-Mandela

491 Days: Prisoner number 1323/69 by Winnie Madikizela-Mandela shares a journal and notes that she had written in detention as well as some of the letters written between affected parties at the time.

ZAR 125.00
Front cover of The Truth in Masquerade by Jane Meiring
The Truth in Masquerade - Jane Meiring

The Truth in Masquerade: The Adventures of Francois le Valliant by Jane Meiring is the story of Francois le Valliant as he emerges from his own recounting of his adventures.

ZAR 250.00
Front cover of Mandela by Martin Meredith
Mandela - Martin Meredith

Mandela: A Biography by Martin Meredith details the life of Nelson Mandela, one of the most admired political figures of the twentieth century. It was his leadership and moral courage above all that helped to deliver a peaceful end to apartheid in South Africa after years of racial division and violence and to establish a fledgling democracy there.

ZAR 155.00
