Art & Photography (Africa)

Front Cover of Namibia by Anthony Bannister & Peter Johnson
Namibia - Anthony Bannister & Peter Johnson

Namibia: Africa's Harsh Paradise by Anthony Bannister & Peter Johnson is a superbly photographed book showcasing the magnificent spirit of the people and the natural splendours of this land.

ZAR 120.00
Front Cover of Nomads of Niger by Carol Beckwith and Marion van Offelen
Nomads of Niger - Carol Beckwith and Marion van Offelen

Nomads of Niger by Carol Beckwith and Marion van Offelen is the first to be published about the Wodaabe of Niger, a unique and colourful people in sub-Saharan Africa. Among the few surviving nomads in the world, these tall, slender, handsome, desert dwellers live as they have for centuries, moving their herds across a parched landscape.

ZAR 350.00
image of Black And White In Colour by Bickford-Smith, Vivian & Mendelsohn, Richard
Black And White In Colour - Bickford-Smith & Mendelsohn

Black and White in Colour: African History on Screen considers how the African past has been represented in a wide range of historical films. Written by Vivian Bickford-Smith and Richard Mendelsohn, an eminent team of scholars, the volume provides extensive coverage of both place and time and deals with issues that have been prominent in the written history of Africa.

ZAR 75.00
Front Cover of Contemporary African Photography from the Walther Collection Appropriated Landscapes by Corinne Diserens
Appropriated Landscapes - Corinne Diserens

Contemporary African Photography from the Walther Collection: Appropriated Landscapes by Corinne Diserens is an exhibition on landscape photography of Southern Africa.

ZAR 950.00
Front Cover of Himba by Margaret Jacobsohn
Himba - Margaret Jacobsohn

Himba: Nomads of Namibia by Margaret Jacobsohn describes the people who are semi-nomadic pastoralists who live in Kaokoland in the remote north-western corner of Namibia. The integrity of this account along with the full colour photos provides a unique record of the 'ochre people of the dry river beds'. Photography by Peter & Beveley Pickford

ZAR 120.00
Front Cover of Ngorongoro by Reinhard Kunkel
Ngorongoro - Reinhard Kunkel

Ngorongoro by Reinhard Kunkel is a triumph of wildlife photography. Unrivalled in the richness and diversity of its animal and plant life, Ngorongoro has been called the eighth wonder of the world.

ZAR 150.00
Front Cover of Namibia by Hugo A Lambrechts
Namibia - Hugo A Lambrechts

Namibia: A thirstland wilderness by Hugo A Lambrechts is both an outstanding photographic exploration of Namibia's deserts and an urgent plea for the conservation of these wilderness areas.

ZAR 120.00
Front cover of A Passage to Congo by Pierre Loos and Pierre Buch
A Passage to Congo - Pierre Loos and Pierre Buch

A Passage to Congo: Photographs by Doctor Emile Muller 1923-1938 by Pierre Loos and Pierre Buch is a collection of photographs taken by Doctor Emile Muller (1891-1976) in the Congo provinces of the Kasai and Katanga, territories of the Chokwe, Luba, Bashibushong and Basalampasu tribes. For these people, he was not the "boss", but he who cured, who gave relief, who listened.

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of African Art Now by Andre Magnin and others
African Art Now - Andre Magnin and others

African Art Now: Masterpieces from the Jean Pigozzi collection by Andre Magnin and others is a major, lavishly illustrated study of contemporary art being produced by the leading artists working in sub-Saharan Africa Painters, photographers, sculptors and installation artists are represented from nineteen countries: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethio

ZAR 180.00
Front cover of An Investigation of the History and Techniques of Selected Textiles in Zimbabwe by Meyhburgh
An Investigation of the History and Techniques of Selected Textiles in Zimbabwe - Meyhburgh

An Investigation of the History and Techniques of Selected Textiles in Zimbabwe by Colleen Bridget Meyhburgh is a student thesis sumbitted to the Natal Technikon Fine Art Department and describes hand-woven cloth and other hand-made textiles produced in Zimbabwe

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of Engaging Modernities by Anitra Nettleton; Julia Charlton; Fiona Rankin-Smith
Engaging Modernities - Nettleton; Charlton; Rankin-Smith

Engaging Modernities: Transformations of the Commonplace by Anitra Nettleton; Julia Charlton and Fiona Rankin-Smith was written to accompany an exhibition at the Durban Art Gallery from 2 April-30 June 2003.

ZAR 450.00
Front cover of Standard Bank Foundation Collection of African Art (1879-1986 ) - edited by Diana L. Newman
Standard Bank Foundation Collection of African Art (1879-1986 ) - Diana L. Newman

Standard Bank Foundation Collection of African Art (1879-1986) edited by Diana L. Newman is a catalogue of Wits University Art Galleries' Collection of African Art and selected works from the University Ethnological Museum Collection. Text by Anitra Nettleton

ZAR 225.00
Front cover of Insight and Artistry in African Divination by John Pemberton III
Insight and Artistry in African Divination - John Pemberton III

Insight and Artistry in African Divination by John Pemberton III contains fifteen essays by leading scholars which reveal the similarities and differences in the practices of a wide range of sub-Saharan cultures. Among the peoples of Central and West Africa, divination rituals are performed in moments set aside from ordinary affairs, taking place when circumstances require them.

ZAR 275.00
Front cover of The Last of the Nuba by Leni Riefenstahl
The Last of the Nuba - Leni Riefenstahl

Leni Riefenstahl was the first white woman to obtain permission from the Sudanese government to study the Nuba, a tribe sadly neglected by scientists and ethnologists. The Last of the Nuba repairs this omission, and Riefenstahl's text and photographs are of outstanding anthropological and ethnological importance.

ZAR 480.00
Front cover of Gorongosa by Joao Augusto Silva
Gorongosa - Joao Augusto Silva

Gorongosa: Shooting Big Game with a Camera by Joao Augusto Silva describes his experiences photographing big game in Africa. Photographs taken by the author while on foot and without the protection of any fire-arms. Illustrated with 118 b&w and some colour photographs. Translation by António Jorge O. de Freitas

ZAR 450.00
Front cover of The Mlungu in Africa by Michael Stevenson and Michael Graham-Stewart
The Mlungu in Africa - Michael Stevenson & Michael Graham-Stewart

The Mlungu in Africa: art from the colonial period, 1840-1940 by Michael Stevenson and Michael Graham-Stewart showcases African art that engages with the presence of white people in the 'contact zones' and colonial states in sub-Saharan Africa

ZAR 450.00
Front Cover of African Interiors by E. A Taschen
African Interiors - E. A Taschen

African Interiors by E. A Taschen is described as "yet another voyeuristic trawl through some of Africa's most wonderful houses." Photography by Deidi Von Schaewen.

ZAR 1,200.00
Front cover of Medusa by Boris Wastiau
Medusa - Boris Wastiau

Medusa: The African Sculpture of Enchantment by Boris Wastiau is a comprehensive introduction to African art and to the enchanting powers of masks and sculptures.

ZAR 430.00