World Art

Front Cover of The Power of the Center by Rudolf Arnheim
The Power of the Center - Rudolf Arnheim

The Power of the Center: A Study of Composition in the Visual Arts by Rudolf Arnheim uses a wealth of examples to consider the factors that determine the overall organization of visual form in works of painting, sculpture, and architecture.

ZAR 90.00
Front cover of Bihzad and His Paintings in the Zafar-Namah MS. by Thomas W. Arnold
Bihzad and His Paintings in the Zafar-Namah MS. - Thomas W. Arnold

Bihzad and His Paintings in the Zafar-Namah MS. by Thomas W. Arnold presents the works of Bihzad with regards to his paintings displayed in the Zafar-namah (Book of Victory) which is a biography of Timur (Tamerlane), from the twenty-fifth year of his age until his death. Includes 25-pages of text plus 13 full-page lovely colour plates.

ZAR 800.00
Front cover of The Sourcebook of Contemporary Jewelry Design by Natalio Martin Arroyo
The Sourcebook of Contemporary Jewelry Design - Natalio Martin Arroyo

The Sourcebook of Contemporary Jewelry Design by Natalio Martin Arroyo is a cutting-edge design anthology featuring more than 300 established and emerging designers around the world.

ZAR 435.00
Front cover of The Changing Status of the Artist by Emma Barker etal
The Changing Status of the Artist - Emma Barker, Nick Webb, Kim Woods

The Changing Status of the Artist by Emma Barker, Nick Webb & Kim Woods draws on case studies to explore and question the notion that the later 15th and 16th centuries witnessed the emergence of the modern idea of the artist.

ZAR 285.00
Front cover of the Art of Rene Lalique by Patricia Bayer & Mark Waller
The Art of Rene Lalique - Patricia Bayer & Mark Waller

The Art of Rene Lalique by Patricia Bayer & Mark Waller is a detailed study of more then 250 stunning pieces. This work is an examination of Lalique's glassmaking techniques with respect to their effect on his work. It features approximately 350 full-colour photographs including two portraits of Rene Lalique.

ZAR 120.00
Front Cover of Mathias Waske by Katharina Böhm
Mathias Waske - Katharina Böhm

Mathias Waske: Mona Lisa bis (to) Madonna edited by Katharina Böhm is an exhibition catalogue of works by German painter Mathias Waske held at the Kunst Haus Wien in 2005. The exhibition was called Mona Lisa to Madonna. Mathias Waske is well-known for his original and witty ideas and for his extraordinary painting technique. Text in German.

ZAR 175.00
Front cover of Ethel and Ernest by Raymond Briggs
Ethel and Ernest - Raymond Briggs

Ethel and Ernest: A True Story by Raymond Briggs is utterly original, deeply moving and very funny. The author uses cartoon strips to tell the story of the author's parents' lives through the privations of the 1930s, the horrors of the World War II and the disillusionment of the postwar years, up to the couple's death in 1971.

ZAR 80.00
Front cover of Shaker Design edited by Jean M Burks
Shaker Design - Jean M Burks

Shaker Design: Out of this world edited by Jean M Burks presents a wide array of extraordinarily fine examples of Shaker furniture, household objects, textiles, religious drawings, and items made to sell to the “world’s people” (non-Shakers).

ZAR 435.00
Front cover of Design in Italia by Stefano Casciani
Design in Italia - Stefano Casciani

Design in Italia: The making of an industry by Stefano Casciani follows the career paths of the movers and shakers of the design world in a detailed historical analysis from the fifties to today.

ZAR 170.00
Front cover of Gustav Stickley by David Cathers
Gustav Stickley - David Cathers

Gustav Stickley by David Cathers is the first ever authoritative and comprehensive monograph on the life and career of Stickley, and constitutes an essential contribution to the field of American Arts & Crafts and decorative arts. Gustav Stickley (1858-1942) was an iconic character and one of the most influential figures of the American Arts & Crafts movement.

ZAR 320.00
Front Cover of 100 Views of Mount Fuji by Timothy Clark
100 Views of Mount Fuji - Timothy Clark

100 Views of Mount Fuji by Timothy Clark explores a wide range of manifestations of the mountain in more recent visual culture, as portrayed in more than 100 works by Japanese painters and print designers from the 17th century to the present in the collection of The British Museum.

ZAR 90.00
Front cover of Jack Davis by Jack Davis
Jack Davis - Jack Davis

Jack Davis by Jack Davis: Drawing American Pop Culture: A Career Retrospective is a gigantic, unparalleled career-spanning retrospective, between whose hard covers resides the greatest collection of Jack Davis’ work ever assembled.

ZAR 320.00
Front cover of Art As Therapy by Alain de Botton and John Armstrong
Art As Therapy - Alain de Botton and John Armstrong

Art As Therapy by Alain de Botton and John Armstrong involves reframing and recontextualising a series of art works from across the ages and genres, so that they can be approached as tools for the resolution of difficult issues in individual life. The purpose of this book is to introduce a new method of interpreting art: art as a form of therapy.

ZAR 320.00
Front Cover of The Magic Mirror of M C Escher by Bruno Ernst
The Magic Mirror of M C Escher - Bruno Ernst

The Magic Mirror: A Revealing Look into the Life and Work of the Most Astonishing Artist of Our Time of M C Escher by Bruno Ernst shows us through the aid of sketches and diagrams how the artist arrived at his most provocative creations. Illustrated in colour and b&w.

ZAR 60.00
Front Cover of The Graphic Work of M C Escher by M C Escher
The Graphic Work of M C Escher - M C Escher

The Graphic Work of M C Escher: Introduced and explained by the artist by M C Escher consists of 76 reproductions (a few in colour) which are introduced and explained by the artist himself.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of M. C. Escher by Maurits Cornelis Escher
M. C. Escher - Maurits Cornelis Escher

M. C. Escher: The graphic work - Introduced and explained by the artist by Maurits Cornelis Escher showcases 76 of the artists graphics in black and white and some in colour. M.C. Escher is not a surrealist drawing us into his dream world, but an architect of perfectly impossible worlds who presents the structurally unthinkable as though it were a law of nature.

ZAR 60.00
Front cover of Wiener Werkstatte by Gabriele Fahr-Becker
Wiener Werkstatte - Gabriele Fahr-Becker

Wiener Werkstatte 1903 - 1932 by Gabriele Fahr-Becker is an excellent and very well illustrated history of the Vienna Workshop.

ZAR 150.00
Front cover of 21st Century Design by Marcus Fairs
21st Century Design - Marcus Fairs

21st Century Design: New design icons from mass market to avant-garde by Marcus Fairs is a fully comprehensive and up-to-date survey of the contemporary design landscape.

ZAR 220.00
Front cover of Graffiti New York by Eric Felisbret
Graffiti New York - Eric Felisbret

Graffiti New York by Eric Felisbret is the comprehensive history of New York City graffiti from the late 1960s up until present day. In a fashion that strikes a balance between strong visuals and brief but substantive text and interviews, it presents the big picture of the city that gave birth to a global visual/social revolution.

ZAR 195.00
Front cover of Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam by Edward Fitzgerald
Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - Edward Fitzgerald

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam translated by Edward Fitzgerald includes 12 beautiful illustrations in colour by Edmund Dulac. Since the collected poems of eleventh- and twelfth-century Persian philosopher Omar Khayyám were first translated into English in 1859 by Patrick Fitzgerald, the Rubáiyát has become one of the most popular books of verse in the world.

ZAR 1,250.00
Front Cover of Zero to Infinity: Arte Povera 1962-1972 curated by Richard Flood and Frances Morris
Zero to Infinity: Arte Povera 1962-1972 - Richard Flood and Frances Morris

Zero to Infinity: Arte Povera 1962-1972 curated by Richard Flood and Frances Morris is a catalogue from the London and Minneapolis exhibitions of the same title. This exhibition examines the work of 14 key artists that defined the period and the movement "Arte Povera".

ZAR 290.00
Front cover of Jasper Johns by Richard Francis
Jasper Johns - Richard Francis

Jasper Johns: Modern Masters series by Richard Francis is an enlightening new interpretation of one of today's most influential artists featuring over 100 illustrations - 48 in colour.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of Picasso's Drawings 1890-1921 by Susan Grace Galassi
Picasso's Drawings 1890-1921 - Susan Grace Galassi and Marilyn McCully

Picasso's Drawings 1890-1921: Reinventing Tradition by Susan Grace Galassi and Marilyn McCully follows the dazzling development of his drawing practice from the precocious academic exercises of his youth to his renewal of classicism in his virtuoso output of the early 1920s.

ZAR 535.00
Front cover of Emille Galle by Phillipe Garner
Emille Galle - Phillipe Garner

Emille Galle by Phillipe Garner is a literate and well researched book which places Galle within the context of the Art Nouveau movement and the spirit of the time. Profusely illustarted in b&w and colour.

ZAR 95.00
Front cover of Modernism by Peter Gay
Modernism - Peter Gay

Modernism: The Lure of Heresy - From Baudelaire to Beckett and Beyond by Peter Gay (acclaimed cultural historian) traces and explores the rise of Modernism in the arts, the cultural movement that heralded and shaped the modern world, dominating western high culture for over a century.

ZAR 175.00
