Anthropology (SA)

Front cover of The Tembu by Joan A Broster
The Tembu - Joan A Broster

The Tembu: Their Beadwork, Songs and Dances by Joan A Broster is a detailed account of the art, customs, songs, dances and ceremonies of the Tembu people.

ZAR 450.00
Front Cover of Tokkelossie by Dr. A. Coetzee
Tokkelossie - Dr. A. Coetzee

Tokkelossie: Bydrae tot die Afrikaanse Volkskunde en Taalkunde by Dr. A. Coetzee includes key map and place names of all the towns in South Africa where the tokkelossie has been sighted (almost everywhere) with folding maps at the back. A collectable piece of Africana.

ZAR 225.00
Front cover of Prehistoric Man by R.M. Derricourt
Prehistoric Man - R.M. Derricourt

Prehistoric Man: In The Ciskei & Transkei is the result of Robin Derricourt's work in the field from 1971 to 1973 when he directed the first systematic programme of archaeological research in the Ciskei and Transkei - the border region in early South African history where different societies met for the first time both peacefully and in violent conflict.

ZAR 450.00
Front cover of The Bushman Tribes of Southern Africa by Duggan-Cronin & Bleek
The Bushman Tribes of Southern Africa - A. M. Duggan-Cronin & D. F. Bleek

The Bushman Tribes of Southern Africa by A. M. Duggan-Cronin and D. F. Bleek presents an amazing collection of early photos of nomadic and village tribes of southern Africa, including an introductory article on the Bushman Tribes and descriptive notes on 40 tissue-guarded photographic plates by D. F. Bleek.

ZAR 5,000.00
Front Cover of Zulu References by Carl Faye
Zulu References - Carl Faye

Zulu References: for Interpreters and Students by Carl Faye is a collection of geographical, historical but mainly linguistic information for the use of Zulu interpreters in native courts, police, missionaries, teachers and students. Illustrated with 5 portraits and a map.

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of Guide to the Peers' Cave by H.S. Jager
Guide to the Peers' Cave - H.S. Jager

Guide to the Peers' Cave - Tunnel Cave and Rock Shelters at Skildergat, Fish Hoek edited by H.S. Jager is a publication (booklet) that greatly assisted the general public in a keener appreciation of this branch of scientific research whilst making the caves more accessible. This fourth edition includes several photos, drawings and maps.

ZAR 75.00
Front cover of Evocations of the Child by Johannesburg Art Gallery
Evocations of the Child - Johannesburg Art Gallery

Evocations of the Child: Fertility Figures of the Southern African Region by Johannesburg Art Gallery and edited by Elizabeth Dell includes texts from several of the leading experts in the field of African art with over 200 color images.

ZAR 400.00
Front Cover of  Bantu Studies September 1937, Vol XI no. 3 by J. D. R Jones & C. M Doke
Bantu Studies September 1937, Vol XI no. 3 - J. D. R Jones & C. M Doke

Bantu Studies: A Journal devoted to the Scientific Study of Bantu, Hottentot and Bushman, September 1937, Vol XI, no. 3 edited by J. D. R Jones & C. M Doke is an anthropological journal published by Wits University Press.

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of The Indonesian Origin of Certain African Musical Instruments by Percival R Kirby
The Indonesian Origin of Certain African Musical Instruments - Percival R Kirby

The Indonesian Origin of Certain African Musical Instruments by Percival R Kirby is a reprint taken from African Studies a quarterly journal devoted to the study of African Cultures, government and languages, Vol 25, Number 1 , 1966. Professor Kirby's interest in the similarities of the instruments began in the 1920's. 4 pages of b&w plates

ZAR 120.00
Front cover of Dungamanzi: Stirring Waters by Nessa Leibhammer
Dungamanzi - Nessa Leibhammer

Dungamanzi: Stirring Waters by Nessa Leibhammer showcases the art of the 'Tsonga' (Vatsonga) and 'Shangaan' (Machangani) - some of South Africa's most treasured heritage.

ZAR 400.00
Front cover of Images of Power by David Lewis-Williams and Thomas Dowson
Images of Power - David Lewis-Williams & Thomas Dowson

Images of Power: Understanding Bushman Rock Art by David Lewis-Williams and Thomas Dowson draws from comprehensive and largely unpublished records of Bushman beliefs which were recorded verbatim during the 1870s, as well as on modern research done with the living Kalahari Bushmen.

This copy has been signed by both authors.

ZAR 600.00
Front cover of South African Tribal Life Today by Jean Morris and Ben Levitas
South African Tribal Life Today - Jean Morris & Ben Levitas

South African Tribal Life Today by Jean Morris and Ben Levitas assesses the various aspects of tribal life that are still practiced in South Africa today, and attempts to preserve for students, lay-readers and tourists, the remnants of a way of life which has almost completely disappeared.

ZAR 150.00
Front Cover of Indaba My Children by Vusamazulu C. Mutwa
Indaba My Children (abridged version) - Vusamazulu C. Mutwa

Indaba My Children: African tribal history, legends, customs and religious beliefs by Vusamazulu C. Mutwa tears aside the veil of secrecy that for centuries has concealed the truth about African tribal history and of their customs and religious beliefs.

ZAR 300.00
Front cover of Indaba, My Children by Vusamazulu C. Mutwa
Indaba, My Children - Vusamazulu C. Mutwa

Indaba, My Children by Vusamazulu C. Mutwa tears aside the veil of secrecy that for centuries has concealed the truth about African tribal history and of their customs and religious beliefs. In telling the story of African tribal life since the time of the Phoenicians he recounts fascinating fables and legends handed down from one generation to another.

ZAR 600.00
Front cover of The Bantu-Speaking Tribes of South Africa by I. Schapera
The Bantu-Speaking Tribes of South Africa - I. Schapera

The Bantu-Speaking Tribes of South Africa: An Ethnographical Survey by I. Schapera is mostly devoted to an account of the Bantu as they were before affected by the intrusion of western civilization.

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of Claim to the Country by Pippa Skotnes
Claim to the Country - Pippa Skotnes

Claim to the Country: The Archive of Lucy Lloyd and Wilhelm Bleek by Pippa Skotnes shows all the notebook pages and drawings that comprise the bulk of the archive created by Wilhelm Bleek and Lucy Lloyd, consisting of over 13000 pages, for the first time. Includes drawings, notebooks, maps and photographs, representing the San people.

CD not included.

ZAR 750.00
Front cover of Shaka's Children by Stephen Taylor
Shaka's Children - Stephen Taylor

Shaka's Children: A History of the Zulu People by Stephen Taylor records the decline of a conviction. The Zulu were more than just another Bantu tribe of southern Africa, because in the years after their sudden eruption into dominance in the early years of the 19th century, they evolved something approaching an ideology.

ZAR 250.00
Front cover of Images of Humanity: The Selected Writings of Phillip V. Tobias by Phillip V. Tobias
Images of Humanity - Phillip V. Tobias

Images of Humanity: The Selected Writings of Phillip V. Tobias by Phillip V. Tobias presents his selected writings and includes a comprehensive bibliography of all published works, from articles written as a student, to books written as Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of Wits University.

ZAR 120.00
Front cover of African Dances of the Witwatersrand Gold Mines by Hugh Tracey
African Dances of the Witwatersrand Gold Mines - Hugh Tracey

African Dances of the Witwatersrand Gold Mines by Hugh Tracey is a study of the various tribal dances performed at the mines. Profusely illustrated with b&w Photographs.

ZAR 185.00
Front cover of Chopi Musicians by Hugh Tracey
Chopi Musicians - Hugh Tracey

Signed and inscribed copy of Chopi Musicians: Their Music, Poetry and Instruments by Hugh Tracey.

Chopi Musicians presents a written account of the Chopi of Portuguese East Africa, whose xylophone orchestras have long been famous throughout the southern portion of the continent.

Map included.

ZAR 475.00
Front cover of Once We Were Hunters by Paul Weinberg
Once We Were Hunters - Paul Weinberg

Once We Were Hunters: A Journey With Africa's Indigenous Peoples by Paul Weinberg journeys to six different countries in southern and eastern Africa to examine those indigenous communities who, in spite of a rapidly modernising continent, are still managing to survive in their natural environment.

ZAR 115.00
Front cover of Abantu by Martin West & Jean Morris
Abantu - Martin West & Jean Morris

In Abantu: An Introduction to the Black People of South Africa, Martin West and photographer Jean Morris have collaborated to create an image in words and pictures of what remains of the traditional African way of life in South Africa. All the major groups are described, and their customs, rituals and dress are shown and the meanings thereof discussed.

ZAR 175.00