Anthropology (Africa)

Front Cover of Nomads of Niger by Carol Beckwith and Marion van Offelen
Nomads of Niger - Carol Beckwith and Marion van Offelen

Nomads of Niger by Carol Beckwith and Marion van Offelen is the first to be published about the Wodaabe of Niger, a unique and colourful people in sub-Saharan Africa. Among the few surviving nomads in the world, these tall, slender, handsome, desert dwellers live as they have for centuries, moving their herds across a parched landscape.

ZAR 350.00
Front Cover of The Music of Central Africa by Rose Brandel
The Music of Central Africa - Rose Brandel

The Music of Central Africa:An Ethnomusicological Study. Former French Equatorial Africa, The Former Belgian Congo, Ruanda-Urundi, Uganda, Tanganyika by Rose Brandel is a very comprehensive study of the the music of the areas listed. The book is divided into two parts: Part one considers the singing styles, an analysis of the music and the ethnology of the music.

ZAR 350.00
Front cover of The Stone Age Cultures of Northern Rhodesia by J. Desmond Clark
The Stone Age Cultures of Northern Rhodesia - J. Desmond Clark

The Stone Age Cultures of Northern Rhodesia: With Particular Reference to the Cultural and Climatic Succession in the Upper Zambezi Valley and its Tributaries by J. Desmond Clark is an in-depth look at early Rhodesian civilisation and includes a chapter on the geology by F. Dixey, and appendixes by H. B. S. Cooke, L. H. Wells and G. Bond.

ZAR 500.00
Front Cover of The Lango by J H Driberg
The Lango - J H Driberg

The Lango:A Nilotic Tribe of Uganda by J H Driberg is the most comprehensive work on the Lango of Uganda. Over half of the book is taken up with the ethnology, and further sections on grammar, vocabularies and fables.  Illustrated with b&w photos and a folding map.

ZAR 800.00
Front Cover of Igbo Traditional Verse by Romanus Egudu and Donatus Nwoga
Igbo Traditional Verse - Romanus Egudu and Donatus Nwoga

Igbo Traditional Verse by Romanus Egudu and Donatus Nwoga are translations into English which cover recitations and songs from dances.

ZAR 55.00
Front cover of Africa Adorned by Angela Fisher
Africa Adorned - Angela Fisher

Africa Adorned by Angela Fisher describes many treasures and relics of the past, many of which are only found in private hands or museums outside of Africa. Angela Fisher brings us the story behind them, corroborated by extensive research, and combines a vivid portrait of African life with photographs of the finest jewellery made and worn in that continent since the 13th century.

ZAR 1,250.00
Front Cover of Himba by Margaret Jacobsohn
Himba - Margaret Jacobsohn

Himba: Nomads of Namibia by Margaret Jacobsohn describes the people who are semi-nomadic pastoralists who live in Kaokoland in the remote north-western corner of Namibia. The integrity of this account along with the full colour photos provides a unique record of the 'ochre people of the dry river beds'. Photography by Peter & Beveley Pickford

ZAR 120.00
Front Cover of African Mythology by Jan Knappert
African Mythology - Jan Knappert

African Mythology by Jan Knappert is a comprehensive alphabetical guide to the beliefs, myths and cosmology of African peoples. Gods, mythical figures, legends, fables, religious concepts, prophets, mystical phenomena, spirits and demons are all covered.

ZAR 90.00
Front Cover of African Dream Machines by Anitra Nettleton
African Dream Machines - Anitra Nettleton

African Dream Machines: Style, Identity and Meaning of African Headrests by Anitra Nettleton takes African headrests out of the category of functional objects and into the more rarefied category of "art" objects.

ZAR 450.00
Front Cover of Hare and Hornbill by Okot P'Bitek
Hare and Hornbill - Okot P'Bitek

Hare and Hornbill by Okot P'Bitek is a collection of the oral verse of the Acoli given a virile rendering.

ZAR 65.00
Front cover of Insight and Artistry in African Divination by John Pemberton III
Insight and Artistry in African Divination - John Pemberton III

Insight and Artistry in African Divination by John Pemberton III contains fifteen essays by leading scholars which reveal the similarities and differences in the practices of a wide range of sub-Saharan cultures. Among the peoples of Central and West Africa, divination rituals are performed in moments set aside from ordinary affairs, taking place when circumstances require them.

ZAR 275.00